Page 41 of No Freaking Way

Text me when you’re free. I want to finish what we started in the dressing room.

He sent a tongue emoji right after. Just looking at it makes my ladybits throb.

Tyler and I have officially annihilated the no-sex clause of our fake relationship contract and I couldn’t be happier.

After brunch is done, I’m going to jump in my car and call him while I drive to his place so I can jump his bones. I’m aching to make him feel as good as he made me feel in the dressing room.

And I’m aching to have another orgasm.

I think of my sex list, how one of the items is “multiple orgasms.”

For years I thought I’d never, ever be able to experience that with another person. But if there’s one person who has a serious shot at it, it’s Tyler.

I put my phone away when I realize I’m being rude by having it out when I’m with Becca.

She looks at me. “So, when he went down on you. Did you, um…you know...” she asks in a quiet voice.

I let out a shaky breath reliving the most intense orgasm I can ever remember having with anyone.

“I did. Really, really hard.”

Her crystal blue eyes are as wide as saucers. “You did?”

I nod.

“Tori! That’s amazing!” She holds my hand.

Becca has always known about my difficulty having an orgasm with the guys I’ve dated. She’s consoled me more times than I can count when I had a lackluster sexual experience with a partner or hookup. And she’s always supported me and told me that nothing was wrong with me.

She shakes her head, a dazed look on her face. “Gosh, I feel so bad for warning you against dating Tyler. I would have pushed you to date him ages ago if I had known he was this good at…you know.” She blushes. “I mean, I shouldn’t be all that surprised he’s good in bed. So is Gage. Maybe it runs in the family.”

I can’t help but laugh. If anyone else had said that, it would sound dirty. But when sweet Becca says it, it’s so genuine and innocent.

Just then Maya returns to the table.

Becca starts to talk, but then covers her mouth and looks at Maya. “Sorry, I know you hate sexy talk involving your brothers.”

Maya waves a hand. “I do, but the Bloody Marys soften the blow a bit.”

We all laugh and sip from our glasses. The server comes by and drops off a fresh round of drinks.

“Okay, I’m going to force myself to take a break from being grossed out by my brothers’ bedroom prowess.” Maya downs a third of her Bloody Mary. “I’m not naïve. I grew up with two handsome older brothers. My whole life I’ve watched as girls and women threw themselves at them. A lot of them were my friends.” Maya makes a face. “Unfortunately, I’m well aware of the fact that my brothers rock in the sack.”

She takes another long pull of her drink while Becca and I chuckle.

I pat Maya on the shoulder. “That took a lot of guts for you to say.”

She rolls her eyes good-naturedly. The server comes by again and we order food.

“From what I heard as I walked back to our table, it sounds like Tyler is…helping you in ways that the other guys you’ve been with haven’t,” Maya says to me. She pats my hand and starts to smile. “I’m happy for you.”

I tell her thanks.

“Just promise me that you and Tyler aren’t going to hook up during our weddings. Or the receptions,” Maya says, a teasing lilt to her tone.

I hold up my right hand. “I swear we won’t.”

She and Becca laugh. A few minutes later, the server comes by with our food.