Everyone says okay.
He turns to me. “You sure you’re okay to drive?”
“I had one sip of beer this entire night.”
Gage’s jaw works as he looks at me like he’s deciding if I’m okay.
He steps aside. “Go. We’ll be right behind you.”
I’m out the door a half-second later. I run to my car, which is parked down the block. As I drive to the hospital, the snow finally starts to let up. I have to silently remind myself to be extra careful, to drive slowly as adrenaline rockets through my body. The urge to fly across this road so I can make it to Tori that much faster hits hard. I have to white-knuckle the steering wheel just to keep myself in check. Each second that passes that I’m not with Tori is agony.
But I remind myself that I need to drive slowly. I need to get there in one piece.
I make it to the hospital and park in the nearest visitor lot slot. Once I’m out of the car, I sprint to the entrance, straight to the elevators, and hit the floor number she’s on.
My heart is in my throat, I’m so fucking panicked.
She needs to be okay. Nothing can happen to her.
“Please be okay, baby. Please be okay.” I whisper to myself over and over.
As soon as the elevator doors glide open, I burst out and jog to her room.
When I make it, I see the door is half open. I walk in and see her lying in bed, eyes closed.
I hold my breath, clearing the space between the door and the hospital bed in what feels like a single second.
I take in the sight of her, the scrape on her left cheekbone and what looks like the beginnings of a bruise on the left side of her neck. My brain goes nuts wondering how much else of her body is injured…
The urge to hold her, to touch her takes over.
When I scoop her hand in mine, she starts to stir. A second later, she opens her eyes.
And then she smiles.
I let out the breath I’ve been holding.
“Baby…” my voice is shaky, barely about a whisper when I speak.
My lips tremble as I smile down at her. I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead.
She hums softly and the sound makes my heart thud in my chest.
“Are you okay?” I ask, my lips against her skin.
She lets out a chuckle. “Oh, yeah. Never been better.”
I lean back and raise my eyebrow at her.
She gently pats my arm. She slow-blinks like she’s tired, but her smile is bright. “I’m kidding.”
She glances down at her left foot, which is covered in a cast. In my sheer panic, I didn’t even see that when I walked in.
“Cracked my foot,” she says. “A few cuts and bruises too on my arm and upper leg.” She pulls her left arm out from under the bedsheet and holds it up. It’s wrapped in an ACE bandage. “But other than that, I’m okay. Some of the presents in my car on the other hand…” She winces.
I lean down and hug her as gently as I can. She slinks her right arm around me.
“You’re okay,” I murmur.