Page 113 of No Freaking Way

We head back into the reception hall. Things are winding down now that it’s almost ten in the evening. All of the older relatives and guests have gone home. I’m sure all the younger cousins and friends will be dancing until the end though.

I glance over at the mountain of gifts at the gift table. “Wow. You and Gage made out like bandits.”

Becca shoots me a worried look. “I was so wrapped up in all the other wedding stuff that I didn’t plan on how to get all our gifts out of here. I thought about taking them to the hotel honeymoon suite with us, but that would be such a hassle…”

I hold up a hand. “Don’t even worry about it. I’ll get someone to help me load them in my car and I’ll drop them off at your guys’ apartment.”

Becca’s face lights up. “Oh my gosh, Tori. You’re an angel, thank you!”

I tell her it’s no problem. She calls over Declan, Austin, and Theo and asks them to help load the gifts into my car. With all of us working together, it only takes ten minutes to get it loaded up.

Right when we finish, it starts to snow. I thank the guys for helping me as I throw on my coat and climb into my car. Theo offers to come with me to unload the gifts, but I tell him I’m good doing it on my own.

“Be careful driving through the snow,” Theo says as he holds my car door open for me.

I flash him a thumbs up. He shuts the door and I buckle my seatbelt. As I drive in the direction of Gage and Becca’s apartment, the snow picks up. Fat snowflakes land on the windshield of my car. I turn up the speed on my wipers.

I start to skid on the road because of the snow that’s fallen on the ground, so I let my foot off the brakes and ride out the slick spot, turning my wheel to correct course as I gain more traction.

I normally have a lead foot when I drive, but I know better in this kind of weather. I stay ten miles below the speed limit, even as some cars speed past me.

Whatever. They can go as fast as they want, I’m not about to crash my car just so I can arrive at my destination a few minutes faster. I ease to a stop at a red light, skidding just a little bit. The light turns green and I pull ahead. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I see a bright light. When I look to my left and see headlights hurtling in my direction, I try to speed up, but it’s too late.

The car skids and slams into me. Everything goes black.

Chapter 37


Imake it back to Se’bon over an hour after I first left. With the fresh snowfall, it was slow-going on the road.

When I walk back into the restaurant, most of the guests have left. I spot Gage, Becca, Maya, Theo, Declan, and Austin hanging out at one of the guest tables, eating leftovers.

I plop down next to Gage, who slides a full glass of beer to me.

“You deserve it,” he says while I take a long gulp. “Thanks again for what you did. And not just taking care of the photographer’s assistant. But everything. You made this night perfect.”

Becca, who’s sitting next to Gage, beams at me. “You really did, Tyler. Thank you so, so much.”

I walk over and hug Becca. “I was happy to.” I start to turn away, but she stops me. “Tori’s dropping off our gifts at our apartment, but she’ll be back once she’s done. I know you have an early flight in the morning, but you should wait for her.”

I smile down at Becca. “I will.”

I sit back down and pat Gage on the shoulder.

“It’s you I should be thanking, Becca. For marrying this loser.”

He rolls his eyes even though he’s chuckling. Someone’s phone rings. We all stop to check and see if it’s ours. It ends up being Becca’s.

She answers it while the rest of us keep chatting.

“The love between you two brothers is beyond heartwarming,” Declan jokes.

Gage and I laugh.

“What?” Becca shrieks.

I jump slightly in my chair. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard Becca raise her voice like that.