Page 111 of No Freaking Way

As people make their way to the dance floor, I glance around the room. When I see Tori standing on the other side of the restaurant, I freeze.

Even though she’s twenty feet away, I can feel the air shift as she looks at me.

Her gaze is shy, like she’s not sure if she should be looking at me.

My heart pounds. I want her to look at me. I don’t want her to ever look away from me.

I walk up to her, my breath catching in my throat as I start to speak.


She smiles at my greeting. “Hey.”

There’s an awkward pause.

“You look handsome as hell,” she says.

I chuckle. “Thanks.” I let out a shaky breath. “You look…”

I rake my gaze over her. I shake my head, unable to find the right words. “There’s not a word that exists to describe just how incredible you look.”

She blinks like she’s shocked at what I’ve said. I don’t understand why though. She has to know how breathtaking she is.

For a long moment, we just stand there and look at each other. My nerves crackle inside of me once more.

I don’t care how nervous I am. I need to fix this rift between us. I need to tell her how I feel.

I reach out and scoop her hand in mine. She gasps softly.

“Tori, I?—”

A shriek from the dance floor interrupts me. We both turn to look at the commotion.

When I hear someone moaning, I let go of Tori’s hand and run over to see what’s going on.

I push my way through the crowd and see the photographer’s assistant lying on the dance floor, clutching his ankle.

“What happened?” I ask.

A bunch of people start talking at the same time. I hold up a hand. “Wait, one at a time.”

“He tripped over one of the speakers,” the photographer says.

I lean down to see and notice the odd angle of his ankle.


“That looks broken,” my cousin Austin says.

“Yeah, we need to get you to a doctor,” his husband Declan says.

Chatter erupts over whether they should call an ambulance or someone should drive him to the hospital.

“No, don’t call an ambulance. That’ll cost an arm and a leg.”

“Who’s going to drive him? We’ve all been drinking.”

“Maybe someone can call a taxi. Or an Uber maybe?”