Page 110 of No Freaking Way

I dig a fresh tissue from my suit jacket pocket and hand it to him. He smiles at me in thanks, dabs at his eyes, and then grabs Becca’s hand as she makes it up to him.

I try my best to stay focused on the moment, to look at Becca and Gage as they exchange vows and declare their love for each other in front of all their family and friends.

But the whole time, in the back of my mind, all I can think about is how much I want to do this with Tori someday.

As soon as the ceremony is over, as soon as I can get a moment along with her, I’m going to make things right with her and try to get her back.

Chapter 35


“Uncle Ronnie drank too much, anak. Can you please call him an Uber and walk him out to the car?” my mom says after pulling me aside at the reception.

I exhale, but try not to show my frustration. The ceremony went off without a hitch, but random stuff has been going wrong at the reception. The guests have just sat down to eat dinner and already I’ve had to take care of a blown keg, two drunk relatives, and Millie’s toddler running into a wall and needing to be patched up with the first aid kit. Plus, the wedding cake delivery guy got lost on his way here and couldn’t use Google Maps to get here because he didn’t have any data left on his phone, so I had to guide him step by step to the restaurant as he drove.

This is my job as best man though, to put out all the little fires that sprout up during my brother’s wedding. I don’t want Gage or Becca stressing out about any of this stuff, so I need to take care of it.

I glance up and see them eating dinner at a small table for two, smiling and laughing with each other. The frustration melts at just how happy they look together. As long as they have a perfect wedding and reception, all of this stress is worth it.

“I’ll take care of it,” I say to my mom. I spot Uncle Ronnie passed out in a chair against the far side of the reception space.

I run over and help him up.

“Okay, Uncle Ronnie. Let’s get you back to your hotel.”

I pull up Uber on my phone and request a ride as I walk him out to the entrance of the restaurant. Theo rushes over to help me. I tell him thanks. Together we walk Ronnie outside right as the car shows up.

We help him in, thank the driver, and head back inside. I glance around the space, searching for Tori, but I don’t see her anywhere.

Mom comes up to me and insists I say hi to as many relatives as I can since I’m flying out in the morning back to LA. I plaster a smile on my face and visit with family for a few minutes before one of my aunties insists I eat something. I inhale the beef tenderloin, poached lobster tail, and potato gratin before checking the time. When I see that it’s time to cut the cake, I flag down one of the kitchen staff to get everything ready.

Maya runs up to me and hugs me.

“Look at you being the greatest best man ever,” she teases.

I squeeze her back. “Damn straight.” I clear my throat. “Hey, um, have you seen Tori?”

“She’s in the ladies’ room helping one of Becca’s friends who ripped her dress.”


Maya gives me a curious look. “You’re going to try and win her back, aren’t you?”

I’m quiet, shocked at how quickly my little sister figured that out.

“Of course I am,” I say.

She nods once. “Good. I’ve never seen you smile so much as when you two were together. And same with Tori. You make her the happiest. Do whatever it takes.” She pats my shoulder. “I’ll run to the restroom and get her for you.”

“You’re the best. Thank you.”

An announcement is made that Gage and Becca are cutting their cake, so everyone gathers to take a photo.

They’re cutting a small two-tiered cake. There are sheet cakes in the back that restaurant staff will cut and serve to guests.

Gage and Becca slice the cake together and feed each other bites while everyone looks on adoringly and takes photos on their phone.

The DJ starts up the music on the dance floor and beckons everyone to join. Gage and Becca opted not to do the traditional wedding dances, instead wanting all their guests to dance and have a good time.