Page 105 of No Freaking Way

“I swear I’m okay, Bec.” I sniffle. “I’m just having an off moment,” I lie.

She pulls away but holds me by the shoulders. She flashes a sad smile. “Tori. I’m your best friend. You don’t need to put on a brave face for me.”

She pulls a tissue out of her coat pocket and hands it to me. I dab at my face.

“God, I’m the worst,” I mutter. “How unprofessional am I, crying in front of my business partner when we’re supposed to be focused on checking out this new space.”

Becca tilts her head when she looks at me, a gentle scolding expression on her sweet angel face.

“Tori. Come on. Sure, we’re business partners, but we’re also best friends. I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide your feelings around me just because our work situation is a little different.” She grabs my hand. “You’re going through a breakup. You’re in pain. I don’t want you to endure that alone. I want to be here for you. I want to help you through it.”

Becca’s kind words hit me square in the chest. I squeeze her hand. “Thanks, Bec.”

“If you’re sad, you can cry. If you need to take the day off and take care of yourself, you can do that. I want you to.”

Her blue eyes shine with sincerity.

I hug her. “You’re the best, Bec. Seriously the best.”

For a few seconds, I just stand there and hug my best friend. When we break apart I feel a little better.

“I’m sorry I’m crying all over you the week before your wedding.” I dab at my nose with the tissue. “I should be focused on you, helping you count down the days until you marry Gage. Instead, you’re consoling me. I’m such a downer maid of honor,” I joke, despite how sad and thick my voice is from crying.

Becca tugs at my hand. “Don’t say that, Tori. You’re an amazing maid of honor. You helped me pick out my wedding dress. When my mom tried to get me to go with a gown I didn’t like, you stuck up for me and the dress I liked best. You planned the most fun joint bachelorette party for me and Maya. And you had my back when I told my family that I didn’t want a bridal shower.”

I let out a watery laugh. “It’s your big day and you should wear whatever you want. If you wanted to wear white pasties and a thong, I’d support you.”

Becca chuckles.

“And of course I’d support you when you decided you didn’t want a bridal shower. They’re so fussy and boring.”

Becca smiles, her eyes bright with emotion. “Hands-down the best maid of honor ever. And best friend ever. Don’t you dare say otherwise.”

Warmth courses through me at how strongly Becca defends me.

“Thanks, Bec.”

“And that’s why I want to be here for you too, Tori. You’ve been there for me a million times, regardless of what was going on in your life. I want to do the same for you. Always.”

Since there’s currently no furniture in this empty space, Becca sits down on the concrete floor. She motions for me to follow her. I plop down next to her.

She gives me a sad smile. “Spill.”

My throat aches as I swallow through the lump in my throat, the one that’s been there since Tyler and I broke up.

“I just miss him. So much.”

When I blink, tears cascade down my cheeks. Becca wraps her arm around me and pulls me into a side hug.

“I know we weren’t together for very long. Barely a month. But I fell so hard for him.”

I feel Becca lean away from me. When I turn to her, she looks confused.

And that’s when it hits me: Tyler and I started fake dating almost three months ago. And I just blew the cover on our fake relationship.

I clear my throat. “Um, I should tell you something.”

I tell Becca about how Tyler was sick of his mom trying to set him up so he asked if I’d be okay with posing as his girlfriend for all the wedding events coming up. I said yes.