Page 84 of No Freaking Way

Becca is vibrating with excitement. I am too. I can’t wait to take Sweet Cheeks to the next level with my best friend.

Just then her phone alarm goes off.

She grabs it from her pocket and looks at the screen. “Shoot, I totally forgot that tonight is the night Gage is bringing home those wedding cake samples. We’re cake tasting at home.”

“Go, I’ll finish up here.”

She pulls me into a hug. “You’re the best. I’ll save you a slice of cake and bring it to you tomorrow as a thank you.”

“You’d better,” I tease.

Becca leaves and I finish up closing the shop.

On my drive home, I call Tyler.

“Guess what?” I say as soon as he answers.

“What?” I can tell he’s smiling and it makes me even giddier.

“Becca is expanding Sweet Cheeks. And she wants me to be her business partner!”

“What? Baby, that’s amazing! Congratulations!”

I tell him all about the second location and how she wants me to run it.

“Tori, this is huge. You’re a business owner.”

I laugh, I’m so giddy and excited.

“My girlfriend is about to be co-owner of the best ice cream shop in the entire world.”

I’m blushing at how excited he is, of how proud he is of me.

I let out a squeal. “I can’t believe it.”

“I can,” Tyler says. “You’re brilliant and hardworking. Of course Becca would want to make you her business partner. You’re a badass, baby.”

I take a second and savor the joy of this moment. I think about how everything in my life right now feels perfect.

I have the perfect job, perfect friends, and a perfect boyfriend.

“You’re sweet,” I say to Tyler.

“It’s the truth. You’re incredible, Tori.”

I take in the sincerity in his tone, how clear it is even though he’s on speakerphone.

“We need to celebrate,” Tyler says.

I hear a clanking noise in the background.

“When you get here, we’re having champagne and ordering your favorite takeout,” Tyler says.

I’m grinning so wide, my cheeks hurt. “That sounds perfect.”

Chapter 27
