Page 24 of Glitch


Two Months Later

“Jesus, my tits hurt.” I carefully shrug into my coat and try desperately not to bump myself into it.

The hormones I’ve been taking the last few weeks are annoying as shit. I’m either angry or crying all the time, and surprisingly, Makayla has been wonderful through the whole process.

“Is Kooper’s flight on time? It’s nasty out there.” She asks as she opens the front door, making us both cringe at the blast of cold air.

“Last I checked. We better go before it gets worse.” It doesn’t snow heavily in this area usually, but the forecast is calling for a brutal storm tonight.

“Let’s take the Jeep. It has four-wheel drive.” I nod, and we run over to the side of the house, both struggling to take the cover off my prized possession.

It’s a mint nineteen forty-five WILLYS MB that I had Wrench restore for me. It’s the same one they do on my granddad’s favorite show, Mash. When he died a few years back, I made it my mission to find one.

“Are you sure this thing is going to hold together?” she frowns and shivers as I start her up.

“Positive. Let’s go.” There’s already a few inches on the ground, and the quicker I get pregnant, the better.

I’ve come to love the idea now that things have settled down and gone back to normal. Makayla came back after the whole bar fiasco and apologized for the kissing. We talked it all out and concluded that we’d been letting the whole baby thing form a wedge between us.

When I told her, I was all in, she was ecstatic.

Things have been great between us since. Now, Kooper and me? Not so much. He left after I told him we were working things out. And even though he answers every time I call and has met with every doctor and attorney we throw at him, he’s been distant. He’s keeping the whole thing very clinical, and I hate it.

His excitement is gone, and he just seems to be going through the motions.

When I pull up at the IVF clinic, he’s standing by the doors waiting for us. I smile when I see him, and he nods but doesn’t return mine. It’s like a Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde routine.

I want Hyde back, dammit.

I park, and we hustle inside so we don’t get a chill. I sign in, and we all sit down. I had my egg revival done a few days ago. Kooper needs to make his deposit today because my testing showed I’m starting my ovulation cycle.

If we don’t implant this weekend will have to wait another month, and I’ll be damned if I stay on those fucking hormone shoots longer than I need to be. They’re the fucking devil.

“How you feeling, Darlin’? Nervous?” I chuckle and shake my head.

“That’s my line. You’re the one that needs to perform today.” I cover my mouth when it comes out louder than I wanted, and the people in the waiting room glance our way.

“My swimmers are strong, according to the lab reports. Everything should be fine.” I look at him and frown.

He hates the word fine.

Something is wrong, and I wish, like all hell, I had the right to ask him, but I don’t because deep down, I already know what it is.


And the fact that I’m sitting here with a woman he despises and doesn’t trust. The woman holding my hand and rubbing my back. Doing what he feels is his place to do, and I wish with all my fucking heart I could fix this crevice that keeps growing between us.

“Mr. Justice and Ms. Miller,” a nurse calls our names, and we stand.

Makayla tries to join us, but the nurse stops her.

“I’m sorry, but only the potential parents are allowed back.” Makayla’s face turns red, and before I can correct her, Kooper speaks.

“She is the parent. I’m just the stud.” He winks at the nurse, who giggles at his attention, and I just want to slap the goofy look off her face.

“My mistake. This way, moms. Daddy, you’ll need to give your sample. Cups are on the counter in that room. If you need any assistance, please ring the bell.” Oh, I bet you’d help him bitch.