Page 46 of Glitch

“If your life was different and you walked into this bar and saw me sitting here alone, what would you ask me?” I sip my wine this time and sigh.

“I don’t know. Probably something boring and normal.” He chuckles and waves me on.

“Seriously?” He nods, and I take another sip.

“What do you do for a living?” The smirk grows as he lowers his voice to answer.

“Wet work.” I choke and spit out some of my wine.

He grabs some napkins and helps me clean up the mess.

“You’re an assassin?!” I hiss, looking around us to make sure we aren’t causing another scene.

“Of vaginas, yes.” Did he just say that?

“What?” I laugh, thinking he’s joking, but his eyes are serious.

“It’s wet work. If done correctly. Should I show you?” Nope, my brain just short-circuited.

“I think I need any other drink.” I refill my wine glass and then shake the empty bottle.

“Or you could let me drink you. I promise there isn’t an alcohol or drug on this planet that will compare to the high I’d give you.” The bottle slips from my fingers, and he catches it before it crashes to the floor.

“Jesus,” I whisper at his words and reflexes.

“Not my name, gorgeous, but I’ll let it slide. Christ, lord, and god are also acceptable until you know my name.” I didn’t think my night could get any more interesting.

“Who the fuck are you?” I can feel the wine starting to relax me.

“Maddox Deacon.” He offers me his hand to shake, and I take it slowly.

“You say that like I should know it already.” I try to take my hand back, but he pulls me into him and whispers in my ear.

“Well, you should since I’m going to father your children.” Ok, I need to get my hearing checked.

“Excuse me?” I look at the wine label cause this shit went straight to my head.

“Come now, Dove, don’t play coy. You sat your fine ass down at this bar, looking for someone to change your life. I’m that man.” What is he going on about?

Oh, I get it. This is the game. If I hadn’t just broken up with my fiancé after the worst night of my life, what would I say to him? Ok, I’ll play along.

“Rather sure of yourself, Mr. Deacon,” I smirk at him.

“Mmm, that won’t do at all. Let me prove it to you.” Heat rises up my neck, and I take another sip of the wine.

“How?” I whisper the word before I think it through.

“When was the last time a man, made you come?” The way he makes that distinction snaps me back to reality.

“That’s none of your business.” I finish my wine and pull out my phone to order a taxi.

“Humor me, please.” His hand covers my screen, and I look up into his eyes.

“Fine, three months.” I lie cause the truth is just so sad.

“So years? I promise I can make you come before our next round of drinks arrives.” I try to hide my anger at him seeing right through me, but the wine has my thoughts all flustered.

Or is it him?