Page 38 of Glitch

“LACEY!” Kooper rushes over to me, but I push him away.

“No. You get away from me.” The shock takes my other arm and gently pulls me out of Kooper’s grip.

“I got her. You all find those babies. Now.” Kooper glances over my head at her and nods.

“Yes, Ma’am.” He picks up his hat and places it on his head.

“Me and you ain’t done, Darlin’. I’ll be coming off what’s mine. You better be fixing to be Mrs Justice really quick.” He leaves the room, and I start to cry the moment he’s out of sight.

“I can’t fix this.” I sob to Shock.

“No honey, you can’t. Here, let me get you in a bed and this little one check out. Cody!” She calls out to Doc, who nods and follows us out the opposite door of the one the love of my life just exited.

I didn’t even get to tell him goodbye.

“He’ll be fine. He’s too afraid of his mama to fuck this up.” I smile through my tears at her words.

“He’s a good man.” She pats the bed.

“Up you go.” She helps Doc strap me into all the machines, and they start to frown.

“Lacey, how long have you been having contractions?” I frown.

“I’m not.” A cramp overtakes me, and Doc curses.

“You have. Let’s start a bag and hope she’s just dehydrated.” Shock nods, handing him a huge bag of water.

“I need you to try and relax. For the baby, okay? I’m going to go get the ultrasound machine.” She leaves, and I’m left with Doc alone.

“Cody, will the babies be ok?” He shakes his head.

He doesn’t know, and that, most of all, is what scares me. Cody isn’t a man of many words, but for him to have none is a big fucking problem.

It means he doesn’t have any hope to give us.



“Blaze, with me!” I call out to the man standing against the wall, the whole world weighing on his shoulders.

I walk out the doors of the hospital and straight at Wolf and Abel.

“Seer’s on his way to Jester. The flight plan they filed says Juarez, Mexico, but I’m tracking the fucker, and they’re over Houston, Texas. They’re either getting ready to crash or land cause they’re not even ten thousand feet.” Abel closes the laptop, and we all climb into Blaze’s truck.

“I need you to hold it together.” I squeeze his shoulder before he gets in.

He doesn’t answer verbally but nods.

“Head to Louis Armstrong,” Abel says, opening his machine and typing furiously.

Blaze’s phone rings, and I glance at the screen on his dashboard.

A smiling face we all know fills the tiny screen.

“Mall?” He answers the call with hesitation in his voice.

Her whimpers fill the cabin.