She turns off the lights and sound before coming to the back to let me and the girls out. We’ve been watching the clubhouse daily, waiting for the birth.
Lacey stole my happiness, so now I’m taking it for the club.
I was going to take her baby and kill her, but then I’d have a reminder of Kooper for the rest of my life. No, this was perfect.
I have two babies to choose from and no baby daddy to worry about.
Poor Mallory is never going to wake up from having these beauties removed from her body. I must have left at least one person alive, though, because the alarm went off just as I was walking out of the ambulance bay doors with the girls.
Security ran the opposite way as I put them with a grin on my face.
No one looks at an EMT covered in blood twice.
It was the perfect cover. Sasha is a fucking genius. I should have left Lacey for her years ago. When she agreed to help me as long as we sold one baby to her friend, I agreed instantly.
I don’t need two. I mean, I’m not greedy. Alejandro helped us get the uniforms, keys to the ambulance, and name tags that opened all the doors I needed. He also gave me the gun and silencer that he promised would never be tracked back to me.
He’s waiting at an airfield now to hand us our new paperwork so we can disappear and start our new family together. I just need to pick which baby to give him.
“Innie Minnie Minnie Moe…”
“She’s going to be ok. I helped close the c-section, and we stabilized the nurse Shock was working on. We couldn’t help the others. She left five dead bodies in that OR.” Doc rips the medical cap off his head and throws it across the room.
I continued searching for any sign of where they could possibly be heading, but the ambulance they had wasn’t registered to this hospital and had no tracking on it. We’re depending on traffic cameras, which are only in the eighth ward. So if they headed into the bayou, we’re fucked.
“When will she wake up?” Charlie asks.
“I’m keeping her sedated until we have her babies back. I can’t,” He chokes up and my eyes start to water.
I place my hand on my own belly and feel a kick. I couldn’t imagine having that moment taken away from me. Never getting to hold this little one.
“She doesn’t deserve this. It’s my fault.” I break down, and Kooper hugs me from behind.
We’ve moved into a conference room, and the club is working with the local police to form a manhunt for Makayla, who I identified as Sasha, driving the ambulance away.
“No, it’s that crazy bitch Makayla’s fault. We haven’t seen or heard from her since she moved out. No one could have predicted this.” Kooper tries to calm me, but it doesn’t work.
“Got something,” Abel calls out.
Wolf walks over to him and curses.
“Seer! I need Jester in the air in ten minutes. Abel, I want to know where that plane is heading!” Wolf walks out of the conference room with his phone to his ear.
“Plane?” I ask, and Abel nods.
“I have them at a private airstrip meeting someone.” He swallows hard and looks at Kooper.
“WHAT!” I know that look.
“When we caught Makayla with Sasha at the bar, Wolf ordered Abel to dig up all the intel he should. Sasha has ties to Alejandro Baez. She’s a drug mule. Addicted to the shit. We’ve suspected she’s been giving it to Makayla for a while. I didn’t want to upset you.” He pleads with me when he sees me moving away from him.
“You all knew my ex-girlfriend was using drugs and didn’t think I had a right to know?” Everyone looks away from me not one being able to look me in the face.
“Fuck you all. I could have avoided this! Those babies could be here being welcomed into the world with us! Instead, an unstable, crazy woman hopped up on drugs!” A cramp seizes up my stomach, and I clutch it, doubling over.