Page 35 of Glitch

The weight of the ring in my pocket is heavy on my mind, and I’ve been trying to find the perfect opportunity without taking away from Mallory’s day, although she gave me her blessing to do this tonight.

It’s the perfect setting.

Fairy lights, all or club family, and she looks absolutely fucking perfect, all full of my baby. As I opened my mouth to stumble through the speech, I participated in Tobias’ screams.

“IT’S GO TIME! THIS IS NOT A DRILL. HER WATER JUST BROKE! FUCK! THESE WERE GUCCI BABY!” My eyes close wondering how his family handles him.

“Guess it’s baby time.” Lacey cups my face and kisses my lips.

“Ask me later.” She winks and stands, leaving me sitting watching her like a fool.

“WAIT! Was that a yes?” I stand and rush after her giggling body.

“It ain’t a no big daddy.” My cock grows in my jeans, and I groan.

“That ain’t even right.” I adjust myself as everyone around us has a good laugh at my expense.

Everyone starts to leave to head to the hospital and I catch Blaze pacing by his truck. He looks ready to fight the air around him.

“Met you by the truck, Darlin’,” I point at our new member.

Now that he’s formally retired, he accepted our empty spot as our new SAA. I’m happy as hell to have him on board. I was tired of doing both jobs.

“Everything ok over here?” He growls at me and keeps pacing.

“Blaze, you’re angrier than a rattlesnake left to cook in the sun. What’s up?” He throws his arms in the air and then pulls at his hair.

“I think it’s me.” I arch an eyebrow.

“I need more information.” He throws me a look like I’m obtuse for nothing, knowing what he means.

“Kooper, I think I’m the father.” I glance over to where Chaos is helping his only very pregnant daughter into one of the vans, and then it hits me.

“Oh shit,” I whisper and look back at Blaze.

“Um, so why is she hiding the identity of the father if it’s you? Did you not want to step up?” Now I’m getting angry.

“FUCK YOU. No, I don’t have a clue why she wouldn’t have told me. It was one night. I barely remember it. I’ve apologized a thousand times, and she just smiles and says it was no big deal.” He stops moving and watches the van pull away.

“Ouch,” I slap his shoulder.

“One way to find out for sure,” I don’t finish my statement because there are more pressing matters to attend to.

“Come on. We better get over to the hospital. If those babies are yours, you’re going to need a doctor around.” He groans but nods, climbing into his vehicle while I go over to mine and help Lacey in.

“What was that all about?” I snicker as I start my truck.

“Blaze thinks he’s the one that got Mallory pregnant.” She gasps and shakes her head.

Guess she really doesn’t know the daddy either.

“NO!” I nod and pull into traffic.

“Crazy, right?” Sometimes, this club feels like we’re living in a soap opera.

Drama flows us like a fly on shit.

“What’s he going to do?” I chuckle.