Page 27 of Glitch


“Well, ladies, it doesn’t seem this storm is gonna stop. We could just try this the natural way.” Does he mean sex?

I gasp and cover my mouth, looking at Makayla.

I stand frozen, waiting for her to snap and preparing to do damage control for Kooper’s lack of impulse control. But Makayla’s next words seem to shock both of us.

“Alright. At least this way, I’ll actually be involved in the baby-making.” Huh?

“I beg your finest pardon? I was just trying to make light of the situation. I wasn’t really offering a ride on Cowboy trail.” Kooper sputters out the words so quickly he resembles a cartoon, and I burst out laughing.

But then the tears start.

This is the breakdown I’ve been trying to avoid. The hormones are bad enough, but the fake affection Makayla has been giving me because she’s finally getting what she wants, combined with the cold shoulder Kooper has been showing me, drops me to my knees.

I put my face in my hand and sob.

“I don’t want to do this again. It’s all too much. I can’t,” I stutter, feeling a full-on panic attack setting in.

Kooper scoops me up off the floor and flings me up into his arms. He strolls down the hallway and right into our bedroom like he belongs.

“Light some candles and start the fire in here.” Makayla nods from the doorway and disappears into the darkness.

“Lacey, listen to my voice. Breathe in slowly through your mouth and hold it. Good girl. Now, let it out slowly through your nose. Again. Just like that. Keep going.” He rubs my back in soothing circles and holds his forehead to mine.

“I got the candles and firewood.” I ignore her and keep watching Kooper.

He’s my lifeline right now.

“I’m going to let you go and start the fire, Darlin’,” I clutch him and shake my head, losing my rhythm.

“I’ve got it. Help her calm down.” He glances over his shoulder at her with a frown.

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” Kooper doesn’t sound the least bit interested in sex, and yet I feel the way he’s fighting to keep his hands on my back and nowhere else.

They’re trembling the closer they get to my ass.

“Look at her, Kooper. Does she look like this has been enjoyable? She was excited about being pregnant, and now, thanks to this fucking storm, she’ll need to start all over again.” He slowly turns back to me.

I’m still trying to stop my hyperventilating but manage a nod.

“She told me everything,” Makayla whispers.

My chest constricts.

“I highly doubt that.” Kooper sneers but doesn’t look away from me.

“You love her. I get that. She makes it so easy. Please help us.” Makayla sounds sincere, but Kooper’s clearly not buying it.

“If we do this you keep to her.” My eyes widen, and my breath catches.

“It’s a one-time thing. If she doesn’t get pregnant, we go back to the clinic.” Makayla says this like she’s negotiating a new deal with her clients.

“Wait,” I try to speak but Kooper stops me with one heated look.

“This is up to you, Darlin’. I can run to the kitchen and grab the turkey baster. That cup is still an option.” I wrinkle my nose, and she finally gives me a genuine smile.

“There’s my girl.” He whispers, kissing the tip of my nose.