My skin is on fire but my head is screaming we need to stop. I try to push him away, but the movement pretty much shoves his face into my tits, and he latches on to my nipple, which has a direct line to my slit.
“Shit, Kooper. Please,” I mean to say stop.
Really, I do, but the moment I feel his long fingers playing in my wetness, I freeze up. He notices instantly.
“Oh God. I’m sorry.” He backs away and hits the back of his knees on my bed, causing him to topple over.
“No, don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. We, just can’t…” I bite my lip, really wanting to add a qualifier to that statement.
“Yet, we can’t yet. Lacey, you have to know that I would never take liberties if I didn’t mean to make you my end-all. I want to claim you.” Excuse me?
“Are you mad?” He takes his hat off and places it on his knee with a laugh.
“Madly in love with you. Yes.” I grab the wall when a wave of dizziness comes over me.
“Kooper,” He shrugs.
“It was bound to come out eventually. Better you hear it from me. I’ll respect any decision you make on the topic, but please know that if you don’t bear my children, I won’t have any. So my offer stands regardless.” He stands and walks over to me.
I stiffen, and he frowns.
“I’ve ruined us, haven’t I?” The sadness in his voice breaks my heart.
I grab his face in both my hands and kiss him once softly.
“Never. I just need time to think. I need to figure out Makayla. If I’m even going to go through with the pregnancy. I never wanted children until she pushed for them. Now? My world has flipped on me, Kooper.” He nods and kisses my temple.
“I’ll go. Coffee’s on your nightstand. Two creams, one sugar with a drizzle of Carmel. Just like you like it. I’ll see you soon, Darlin’.” Kooper walks out of my bedroom, and I lose the ability to stand.
I glance offer at the floor mirror and shake my head at myself.
“Now what?” I jump when I hear the front door close hard.
I reach for my phone and the coffee he set next to it.
When was the last time Makayla made me a coffee? Hell, when was the last time Makayla did ain’t for me that wasn’t advantageous to her? She’s here but never present. I scroll through my messages and find one from her.
She sent it ten minutes ago.
I was last for yoga and literally ran out of the house. Please tell Kooper not to judge me too harshly for my actions. I know it sounds bad, but it was just an innocent kiss. Sasha meant nothing by it. I hope you aren’t too mad at me. I’ll bring home lunch, and we’ll talk about everything. I love you.
Every petty instinct in me wants to leave her on read.
But someone needs to be the bigger person, and it’s always me. I’m really fucking tired of being the responsible partner. The reasonable one. Do I want the child for her or me?
Kooper’s green eyes fill my head and the way he said he wanted to make me his.
My phone chirps, and a notification pops up on my screen. It’s like a sign from God I never asked for.
Morning cancelation for 9:00 am is available. Text Y to accept the appointment.
Thank you. We will see you soon.
Guess I’m having a baby.