Page 21 of Glitch

I step back, but he follows me.

My back hits the wall, and Kooper leans into me. His lips brush my cheek, and his arms cage me in. His whispered words send shivers down my spine, causing my clit to throb.

“If you’re acting skittish because of that phone call earlier, don’t. I promise I’m not upset, and thank you for giving me motivation when it comes time to fill up that cup at the doctor’s office. The sound of you cumming, groaning my name is better than any porn magazine they could provide.” I slap his chest and hide my red face in my hands.

“You jerk! I know your mama raised a gentleman.” He chuckles as he backs away from me.

“I am but a simple man,” I laugh at him as he takes off his hat and bows.

‘Thank you.” I say when I recover.

“For what, Darlin’?” I shrug.

“Being you. Coming to check on me. Getting rid of the elephant in the room. Agreeing to co-parent with me. Pick one. You are one hell of a man, Kooper Justice.” He grins and then lifts his chin in the direction of my room.

“Off to bed with you. I’ll sleep on the couch in case you need help with her in the morning.” I nod and smile.

Maybe I can get back the dream from earlier. The one where Kooper was about to such my clit into his mouth and completely destroy my world as I know it.

If I’m lucky, it’ll relieve the pressure I feel right now. If not, there isn’t a chance in hell I’ll be able to sleep without pulling out Mr. Buzz.

An encore properly isn’t the best idea right now.



I punch the stupid couch cushion again and sigh.

“Fuck this,” I sit up and rub the kink out of my neck.

This has got to be the hardest, most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever laid my head on. It’s hard as a rock! All the little buttons fell like knives pressing into my back. The throw pillows are the only saving grace, but there are only two.

I hear the shower turn on and glance down the hall.

I ditched my shirt earlier but fed my arms through the button-up. My jeans feel stuck to my ass, thanks to the couch, and my hat is lying on the coffee table. I grab it and place it on my head but forget about the buttons on my shirt since coffee seems more important.

I yawn and frown at the time on the microwave.

“Ain’t been up this early since I left the ranch.” I find it a carnal sin to get outta bed before the sun.

Considering I never really went to bed, I guess this doesn’t count. Five fifteen in the morning is not a forgiving hour. It’s pitch black outside, with just a hint of orange on the horizon.

My dad has told me a dozen times that we’re in for a rough winter. Although Reno can get cold, and snow isn’t unheard of here, I still call bullshit with the weather forecast I heard on the radio on the way here last night.

Or was a it this morning?

“Ugh,” the pot beeps at me and I pour two mugs full.

A crash sounds from the guest bedroom, and Makayla runs out into the living room.

“Oh, hi, Kooper. What are you doing here?” I frown at her.

She’s tossing the couch and then sighs when she sees her purse and keys on the counter.

“I made sure you got home safe last night. Where are you off to in such a rush?” She’s in the same clothes as last night and looks like a clown with the way her makeup sits on her face after sleeping in it.

“I’m late for my yoga class. Tell Lacey I’ll see her later.” With that, she was out the door, leaving me dumbfounded in her kitchen.