Page 20 of Glitch


A loud banging on my door wakes me from the best sleep of my life. The dream I was having was getting really interesting. I flip the sheets off my leg and rub my eyes.

The clock says five past midnight.

I turn to Makayla’s side of the bed, and it’s still empty. Fuck! Did she not come home? The banging gets worse, and I frown. It sounds like someone is trying to kick my fucking door down. I stop at my gun safe and pull out a weapon before quietly creeping to the door.

“COME GLITCH! I AIN’T GOT ALL NIGHT! OPEN UP. THIS BITCH IS HEAVY!” Wolf’s angry voice comes through the door before the kicking starts again.

“What the fuck?” I swing open the door, and he shoulders past me, dropping an unconscious Makayla on the couch before turning to look at me.

“This piece of shit belongs to you. Found her drunk and stumbling at a bar. You know anyone named Sasha?” He goes from pointing at my slobbering girlfriend to putting his hands on his hips when he’s trying to teach Deacon a lesson.

“Um, yeah. She’s a college friend. She was in town, and they ran into each other.” He nods, but his face is getting red, which is never a good sign.

“Oh, they ran into each other, alright. They smacked their lips together plenty at the bar. She’s intimately involved with that woman’s tonsils. Half the club was with me. I had to stop Kooper from killing her.” Oh shit.

“She always gets like that when she’s drinking. She won’t even remember it when she wakes up.” Wolf steps back as if I hit him.

“You making excuses for this dumb cunt? How often does she step out on you, Lacey? You deserve better than that. You better think long and hard if that is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. Let alone have a child with them. Cause if you can’t trust and rely on your partner then you got nothing to stay for.” He marches out my front door, slamming shut.

“FUCK!” I pull my hair up off my neck and pace the living room to the sounds of Makayla’s snoring.

Can this night get any worse?

The sound of the joints creaking on my front door has me swinging around and pointing my gun right at Kooper’s chest. He slowly holds his hands up and stares at me.

“You gonna shoot me, Darlin’?” I drop my arm and sigh.

“What are you doing here?” I turn back to the couch, wondering if I should even bother trying to undress her and get her into our bed.

I can’t believe she’s embraced me like this.

“I couldn’t sleep without making sure you were ok.” I glance at Kooper and shake my head.

“I’m fine.” I cringe at the statement cause even I don’t believe it.

“Horseshit. I’m sure Wolf told you what she was doing. You are most certainly not fine. Now, I’m going to go put her in bed, and then you and I are gonna have a long talk about how a person who loves you should show my respect than this.” He sneers at Makayla before yanking her up into his arms.

The instant jealousy I feel shocks me to my core.

“Dump her in the guest room. If she gets sick, I’m not dealing with it.” He nods and walks down the hall.

I hear him grunt, and then the door closes.

“Lacey?” I sigh and look up at him.

“Wanna put that gun away, Sugar?” Oh, right. I walk over to the safe and lock it up.

He turns the deadbolt on the front door, and the sound makes me jump.

“Easy, Darlin’. You’re as jittery as the fillies on the Fourth of July. Why are you shaking like a leaf?” He rubs my shoulders, and I become very aware of what I’m wearing.

A T-shirt and panties.


The phone call! I pull out of his arms and turn around to apologize, but the look in his eyes doesn’t look like he wants me to. Matter of fact, he’s licking his lips like he wants to replay the whole thing again.