Page 19 of Glitch

“I fold,” He says, standing to walk towards me.

“Yes, Sir, with tacos.” He laughs at me.

“Well, Lady Luck left me long ago. Would you mind if I tagged along? Tacos sound fantastic.” I shrug.

“Free country.” The other guys join in, and before I know it, we’re in formation on our way to the dive bar.

The place is packed, but you’d be surprised if a table empties when five bikers walk in wanting service. We get a table, order a pitcher of beer, and order enough tacos to feed a small country. A certain laugh coming from the bar catches my attention, and I look over to see Makayla with a tall blonde woman.

They’re sipping cocktails, and it’s beyond apparent they’re sloppy drunk.

“Hey, isn’t that…Oh shit.” Spark stops his words when the two women start to kiss.

“Fucking hell,” I curse, looking away before I give in to my urge to slap that cheating bitch.

“Should we call Glitch?” Priest asks, but Wolf shakes his head.

He takes his phone out and snaps a picture. He types and then places a call.

“Abel, you get that photo? I want all the info you can find on the tall blonde one. Oh, no. We know who the other bitch is. Yeah, thanks.” Wolf puts his phone back in his pocket.

I pretty much ignore the guys and the food when it comes. I’ve lost my appetite. I watch the women instead. They continue to drink, and when they start to try and walk to the parking lot, Makayla stumbles, and I’ve had enough.

“Fuck this. She ain’t driving like that.” I stand and stomp my way over to them.

“Kooper! How…are you?” She hiccups twice before getting out the greeting, and I bend to scoop her up into my arms.

“Sweetheart, you’re drunker than skunk. Where are your keys?” She shakes her purse at me and giggles.

“Hand them over. I’ll drive you home.” Her friend laughs and pulls out her phone.

“My Uber is here. It was go seeing you.” She leaves without a single thought to the welfare of Makayla’s safety.

“Wow,” I carry the third parent in this baby equation to her car and place her in the back seat.

She curls up into a ball and starts to snore.

I shut the door and kicked the tires of her cage. How the fuck do I begin to explain any of this to Lacey? Wolf jogs over and takes the responsibility from me.

“I got this.” He holds out his hand, and I happily drop the keys into his palms.

“Anything I should know.” He raises an eyebrow at me, and I sigh.

No denying it. Rage is pouring off me.

“Lacey is mine.” She smiles and slaps my shoulder.

“You’re the daddy. Good luck with that.”

Wait, how did he know?

He reads my face and laughs.


That fucking man.