“I’m not as young as I used to be.” She chuckles at me.
“You’re barely thirty Kooper.” I arch an eyebrow.
“Not until Autumn, brat.” She rolls her eyes, and visions of me spanking her ass bent over this bed flash in my mind.
Settle down asshole.
“Ok, so tell me what other issues you have with me having your baby,” I growl at her words, and her eyes widen at me while she covers her mouth.
“Sorry, Darlin. That was a deep-down instinctual reaction to the way you phrased that. How about we just stick to the clinical terms? Donor works.” She grins at my discomfort.
“So, no baby daddy jokes?” I groan and drop my head.
“Lacey,” She chuckles at me.
“Ok, I’ll behave.” I highly fucking doubt that.
Fuck, I don’t want her to. I want her calling my name while I’m balls deep inside her.
“My concerns are simple. I want the child to have a safe and happy home. I don’t want to see it grow up being split like a piece of property. I want to be involved as little or as much as I’m allowed to be. They deserve to know the love of all their parents. I want to contribute financially. That is non-negotiable, and I’d love it if my family was invited to special occasions.” Lacey crosses her legs and flips her hair over her shoulder.
Jesus fucking Christ, she isn’t wearing a bra.
“Should we maybe have an attorney right up a contract for us?” I think it over and nod.
“Wouldn’t hurt, but I trust you to keep your word.” She bites her lip.
“It’s not just me, though.” Don’t I fucking know it.
But something tells me that, that problem is going to solve itself soon enough.
We sat in his room for hours talking out all our concerns, and by the time we were through and had to call the Judge to have her draw up some paperwork, we were both exhausted and famished.
“Wanna grab some supper?” I smile at him but shake my head.
“I better get home. Makayla will want to hear the good news. Raincheck.” He nods as I pull my boots back on.
“Any time Darlin’. Ride safe.” I grab my helmet and wave goodbye to him as I close his door and head down the hallway.
A few of the guys whistle as they see where I was coming from, but I flip them off cause tell all know better. I’m about to head out the front door when Wolf stops me.
“GLITCH! A word, please.” Fuck.
I follow my President into the conference room and place my helmet on the table as I wait for him to close the door.
“Abel called me earlier today, and I wanted to address something with you.” I frown and cross my arms.
“He was setting up some interviews for you and wanted me to approve your maternity time?” The question mark on that was loud and clear.
“Fucking intrusive asshole.” I curse at the camera in the corner of the room cause I’m sure the fucker is watching.
“So it’s true?” I shake my head.
“Not yet. But yes, I’m trying. I was going to bring it up if and when it was an appropriate time. It’s still in the early stages. I haven’t even seen the IVF doctors yet.” I’m going to strangle him, I swear to God.