Page 15 of Glitch

“And you’ve been looking? Kooper, I don’t want you to think that there is more going on here than there is. I would never cheat on Makayla, and even though you are a very attractive man, I’m not interested in you sexually.” I grin at the blush that spreads across the apples of her cheeks.

She pushes up her glasses and tucks the hair that’s come loose from her tight bun, behind her ear. I watch the stubborn strains catch in the light wind and blow right back into her eyes. I step forward and tuck them again but pin them down with her glasses.

Her breath catches at my boldness, and when I look down into her eyes, I swear I see a spark of lust that has never been there before.

“You sure about that, Darlin’?” She swallows and backs away.

“Cause it sounds to me that you need my baby spunk, and that is mighty sexual. It ain’t as easy as just yanking on it until it pops.” Her nose wrinkles at my words.

“Ew, Kooper! Don’t ever use baby and spunk in the same sentence again.” I laugh at her reaction, and then she giggles.

“So you want to go through with this?” She nods once she’s calmed down.

“Makayla feels horrible and asked me to apologize.” Mmm, I bet she did.

I glance around the parking lot and then meet her eyes.

“Then why ain’t she here? Where I’m from, we own up to our own shit, not send someone else to fix our problems. Not a quality I like to be honest. Hell, while we’re on the subject, there are a few things I need to know before I jack off into a cup for y’all.” She leans into the truck and sighs.

“I figured as much. Can I say something before you start?” I nod, and she blows out a breath.

“Ok, so not that you need to understand, but her behavior right now isn’t typical. She’s jealous of me being able to bring life into the world and not her. She apologized for acting like a royal bitch, and although it’s not a good excuse, it is valid. She’s planning for a family and relying on others to make it happen. So please don’t hold it against her. Or me, for that matter. I can’t imagine how hard this is on her. It’s almost every woman’s dream to have kids one day, and that was stolen from her.” Ok, that makes sense, but I still don’t have to like it.

“The only woman in this situation I’m concerned with is you. Are you one of those women? Do you want this child? Or are you bending to her wants and dreams and sacrificing your own?” Her eyes water, and she bites her lip.

“Make the appointment for the prescreening workup and think about what I asked. You let me know if I need to go.” I can’t wait to hear her response.

I walk into the clubhouse and leave her to her thoughts.

I climb the steps and open my door, trying to avoid everyone in the halls. I wave and say hi but don’t stop until I’m in my room. I’m about to slam the door shut and get a nice cold shower when Lacey appears in my doorway.

“You need to stop leaving before I’m done talking to you. You do not get to have the last word on this Kooper. It’s my body, and it’ll be our baby. If we can’t even agree on having one, what the fuck are we doing discussing it?” She slams the door and crosses her arms over her chest.

All it does is make her look like a pissed-off sexy Liberian and does absolutely fucking nothing for the erection I’ve been fighting since she pulled into the parking lot.

Women who ride bikes should really know the effect it has on men. Your ass could be as flat as a pancake, but your straddle a bike, and it’s better than those little blue pills.

I take my hat off and, as casually as I can, drop it in front of my junk so she hopefully doesn’t notice the effect this little tiff of hers is having on me.

“I just wanted to give you time to think my words over, Darlin’. But if you want to talk this out, then have a seat. I just need to use the little boy’s room first.” I turn quickly and close myself into my bathroom.

“Fuck,” I whisper and pull at my hair.

I hang my Stetson on the door handle and go over to the toilet, considering how quietly I can jerk off and realizing quickly it isn’t noise I need to worry about. It’s time spent in here hiding. No way in hell could I get off fast enough for it to seem I just took a piss and washed my hands.

I rearrange myself and pin my erection down to help hide it and leave my shirt untucked as a buffer. I flush the toilet and walk over to the sink. I turn on the cold water and grab a washcloth. I soak it in the water and then run it over my face and neck.

It does little for my cock but helps with the tension I feel knowing she’s out there sitting on my fucking bed.

I turn off the water and dry my hands and face.

I open the door, and there she is. Sitting in her leather jacket, one jean-clad leg hanging off my bed like she fucking belongs. Her hair is completely down now and hanging down to her hips. She’s taken off her boots and leans into the one leg she’s brought up onto the bed. My eyes go to her toes, painted the same pinkish tone as her lips, and I wonder if her nipples match.

“I hope you don’t mind. Those boots are new and hurt my feet.” She unzips the leather jacket to reveal a white tank top that does nothing to hold in her breasts.

“Not at all. Make yourself comfortable.” I head over to my desk and pull out the chair.

I sit and lean my elbows into my knees, crushing my dick but hiding it from her view. I groan, and when Lacey looks over, I wave a hand in the air.