“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing! It’s not an insult. It’s just on brand for you.”

“Would you try it with me?”

“I would walk on hot coals for you.”

“Even if it entailed weird breathing and stuff?”

“What part of the hot coals did you not understand?”

“I’m excited,” I say.


I shake my head. “The idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”

“What if we were at a great hotel somewhere and we just ended up getting on really well with another couple? Imagine we’re in a jacuzzi, another couple joins us …”

“Ew,” I say. So 80s. So much bacteria.

“Okay, scratch the Jacuzzi,” he says. “Imagine we’re at the hotel bar and a beautiful woman keeps looking at you. You start feeling turned on.”

I blink. “I’m listening.”

“Her husband offers us cocaine up in their suite.”

“I don’t do hard drugs.”

Alistair tries again. “Her husband offers us a very special vintage champagne up in their suite that has a killer view of the city.”

“That doesn’t sound bad,” I hedge. “Depending on the couple. Depending on a lot of things.”

“Well,” says Alistair. “It’s never going to happen.”

“But I’ve just basically said yes.”

“You have,” he says. “But there’s no way I’m letting another man touch you.”

“Okay,” I reply. “But then why?—”

“Ever,” he says.

“Okay!” I laugh. “I don’t want another man.”


“But what about the whole hot coals thing?”

“That does not include another man touching you.”

I can see he is dead serious, but I laugh again. “Got it.”

Chapter 27

Incredible Heart

Alistair puts down his empty glass. “Submission.”