His smile is devilish. “While I’m exceptionally glad to hear that, I’m afraid I’m still battling to understand what’s happening here.”
“I’ll explain it at breakfast,” I say. “I’m taking you out.”
He pulls a face. “No offense, but I don’t want cheap Chinese for breakfast.”
“Such a snob,” I reply, whacking him.
“It’s not like I don’t appreciate the offer of congealed noodles and questionable dumplings, especially with all that yummy MSG.”
I pretend-gasp. “You’re a snob and a racist.”
“I’m a racist? Because I don’t like swimming in monosodium glutamate?”
He laughs again. “You youngsters.”
“I’m not that young,” I say. Just because I live like a broke student doesn’t make me adolescent. “You, on the other hand, are ancient.”
“Really?” he says, hiding his smile. “Ancient?”
“Geriatric,” I joke.
“Would a geriatric do this?” he asks. He whips off the duvet and grabs my ass, then leans down and bites it.
I squeal and kick. He grabs my legs to avoid getting a knee in the nose, kisses the bite-mark and pulls the blanket back over me.
“How ancient are you, anyway?” I ask.
“Thirty-eight,” he replies.
I pretend to be scandalized. “That’s almost forty!”
“I look thirty, though,” he says.
I snort, but I’m just teasing. He does look young, but his sophisticated clothes and manners make him seem older.
“It’s one of the reasons I find you so attractive,” I say.
“My jurassic face?”
“Your maturity.”
“That’s one way to call me old.”
“No, I’m being serious,” I say. “I’ve only ever dated boys. Boys who can’t control their moods, who make stupid mistakes, who dither and lose things and shout and throw tantrums … and then tell everyone else to grow up.”
“Harsh,” he says.
“But true,” I counter. My heart beats faster. Was this turning into a moment? “But you’re completely different. You’re so … in control. Of yourself, your surroundings. It makes me feel safe.”
His chest swells with a deep breath. “I’m glad. I’m glad you feel safe with me. It’s … important.”
“Also, the money doesn’t hurt,” I say. “That’s pretty attractive, too.”
“Ha! Are you coming to the dark side? Admitting you like money?”
The dark side. If someone could lead me there, it’s him.