Is the squirrel red or gray?
You aren’t allowed to feed gray squirrels.
But Ivy what about the poor gray squirrels? ) :
I guess they need to find their own food. Sorry Jamie. Try to get a pic of it and send it to me and we’ll go from there.
I will take a picture.
Thank you Ivy.
Great. I’ll visit really soon. Tell Lorna I say hi!
Chapter 20
My feeling of unease stays with me throughout the day, even though I try my best to ignore it. I have a long, luxurious bath, I read my new books, and I make myself a crunchy salad for lunch. When the doorbell rings, I don't know who it could be. I open to Henderson holding a package with my name on it.
“Ma’am,” he says, holding out the box.
I take it and thank him. It’s not heavy. Inside is new outfit, in my size.
So much for thrifting, I can’t help thinking, as guilt blooms inside me.
It’s only for a week, I argue with myself. For fuck’s sake. Besides, I haven’t treated myself to new clothes for years. One or two gifts from Alistair will not change that balance much. The new black faux leather pants—which I would never have chosen for myself—are so flattering and sexy that I can't stop looking at myself in the full-length mirror. The blouse is also black, but with a fine pattern. It flares a bit at the shoulders and makes my stomach look flatter than it is. It’s a little bit cheeky but sophisticated at the same time. I love it.
Thanks for the new outfit! I love it.
Thought you deserved a new outfit for your dinner tonight. Can’t wait to see you in it.
Or, rather, I can’t wait to get you out of it.
The feeling is mutual. But first I’m off to a verrrry expensive pop-up restaurant to eat sushi in Shoreditch.
Sushi in Shoreditch?? I wouldn’t risk it.
Shoreditch is great! Bohemian. Vibing. Sushi pop-ups with manga menus and ice-bars.
If you say so. *Shudder*
You are SUCH a snob.
We’ll see who’s who calling names when I’m holding your hair back tonight while you’re vomming out your salmonella sashimi.
LOL! Gross. You’re the worst.
Seriously, are you sure you want to go there? It’s not the safest place in London.
Pssh. It’s so safe. And Henderson will look after me.
Okay. Have a good time.
Will you still hold my hair back for me tonight?
Every damn night.