Page 61 of Bedroom Rodeo

The meat carving station was the most popular among the Boot Knockers.

“That’s a lot of meat!” Sylvee giggled.

He picked up the huge knife. “Every one of us needs good fuel to fuck.” To show off, he cut himself a huge slab of prime rib. Then he cut a smaller slice for Sylvee and placed it on her platter.

Piers took the knife from him and carved his own, twice the size of Ash’s.

Sylvee looked between the meat, cheeks pink.

“C’mon, man. You’re makin’ me look bad!” Ash grinned at Piers.

He chuckled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just cutting a very adequate, very realistic amount of beef.”

Sylvee clapped a hand over her mouth to smother her giggles, but her eyes gave her away. They twinkled with mirth that had Ash grinning too.

As they progressed down the buffet line, Ash caught the low voices of the two Boot Knockers ahead of them. When he heard Hugh and Riggs mentioned, his gut clenched.

They were discussing how the bosses had gone into the village to trace the rumor about Avril. Ash cocked his head, focusing harder on what they were saying, but just then, the band struck up a new song with a heavy drumbeat, drowning out the words.

Annoyance spiked inside him. He liked Hugh and Riggs well enough—they seemed like good guys. But they weren’t good for the Boot Knockers Ranch in Alaska. Up here, the cowboys were woven from a different fiber than the guys in Texas or Montana. No one could hem them in.

Close to Ash’s side, Sylvee added salad to a bowl and set it on the corner of her platter. She grabbed one roll, but he placed a second on her plate.

She looked up at him, eyes round in question.

“I remember how much you love bread, and these are delicious. Trust me—you want two.”

She didn’t argue, just scooped some golden potatoes soaked in butter onto her platter. “I’m going to gain twenty pounds this week.”

He almost growled at the thought of her hips being fuller and how they’d feel in his hands when he grabbed them.

Right before I slide inside her ass.

After they had their food, Piers cast a glance around the lodge. “This place is packed tonight.”

Ash pointed out a table near the band with a single couple seated at it. He lifted his jaw toward the free seats, and Piers led the way.

“Hart. Are these seats open?”

“Yep. Take a seat.” Hart twitched a brow of interest at Sylvee.

Ash scraped his chair out a little too loud. The action had the effect he wanted—Hart swung his attention to Ash.

He leveled him in an off-limits glare.

Understanding the pecking order, Hart leaned back in his seat and draped his arm around his client’s shoulders. She was an average-looking woman. Often Hart got the clients who needed self-esteem boosts. After all, he wasn’t nicknamed Gigolo for no reason, known for stealing women from other Boot Knockers in a single twitch of that magic eyebrow. But he wasn’t putting the moves on Sylvee. She belonged to Ash and Piers.

* * * * *

Piers didn’t have any beef with Hart, and his client was a nice girl. When she smiled at him, her face lit up, which meant that Hart was doing his job and doing it damn well.

Piers just didn’t want the man around Sylvee. Judging by the way Ash inched his chair closer to hers, his lover felt the same protectiveness toward her.

With the live band performing so close to their table, talking was more difficult than most mealtimes. But anything he had to say to Sylvee, he could do with his body.

He kept one hand on her thigh while they ate. As soon as she brought her water glass to her lips, he inched his fingers upward, tugging her dress with it.

She pivoted her head and gave him a direct look.