Page 89 of All I Want is You

“Do you have any idea how much I love you, Dylan?” I ask as I pull her into my chest.

“I do. I always have.”



I didn’t know what this day would bring when it got here. Everything feels like it’s gone in the blink of an eye and yet taken forever. Eli and I finish getting Mikey ready and it’s time for one last look for the both of us.

“I thought I was going to have to come find you and drag you out back when this day came.” Eli smirks.

“Not on your life. I was awake and ready to go before this guy was even squawking for Dad-E to get up.”

“That was the only overly clever thing I had to say. I have a few others if you’re ready for it.”

Just then there’s a knock at the door, I open it and Hannah’s right outside. “It’s time to grab Mikey.” I lift him up into her arms. “You look really great.”

“Thanks. So do you. I’ll see you out front in a few?”

“Sure. Hey, Eli.”


Eli and I both fist bump our little guy before I close the door again. “Hey, are those…?”

“Yeah, hockey puck cufflinks courtesy of a certain friend of ours. He had them sent from his hotel this morning with a smart ass but honestly awesome note.”

“You know, I’m really proud of you.”

“Gee thanks, Dad.” I laugh.

“No. I mean it. That’s part of what I was going to say. You took a situation that at first was unusual, to say the least, and you’ve made it work. I’ve never seen a more happy and well-adjusted kid. You’re the best dad.”

“He really makes it easy. Talking makes it easy. Your sister makes it easy. I could have saved myself a whole mess of trouble if I’d only realized it sooner.”

“Remember, don’t look back. Only forward,” Eli tells me.

“What, did you get that from Pops?” I laugh.

“I plead the Fifth. So checklist. You have your vows in your pocket?”

“Got them. You’ve got your sister’s ring?”

“It’s in the same place it was when you asked me an hour ago, so yes. You know I’m going to roast you tonight, right?”

“I know. I can take as good as I can give.”

“You’d better, Mav, because this might be a speech legends are made of.”

“Oh shit.” I laugh.

We leave the confines of Jack and Lily’s suite on the near side of their Hamptons home, walk down the stairs and out into the front yard that’s been transformed into a beautiful oasis. Our ceremony, we decided, was going to be intimate. We only wanted a hundred and fifty friends and family present. Our parents could have turned this into the social event of the year, but it’s not that for us.

The yard is lined with equal rows of white chairs on either side of a pale pink silk runner. Nearest the tree line is a massive flower laden trellis-style arbor. That was something I wanted. I wanted to remind Hayley of our Romeo and Juliet beginning to this.

All the guests are seated. The string quartet is set to the far side and begins to play when they see Eli and I emerge from the house. As we walk up the aisle beside our guests, I look at all the people who have had small or even large roles in getting us here today.

Gabi flew in with her new man in tow. I think his name is Jake. I can’t wait to meet him later. Garrett is sitting right beside his sister, also with Hannah on his left, and Mikey in his tux in her lap. My cousin Alexandra, her husband Julian, and two kids, along with my Uncle Colin and his bride, Carol, are seated just behind them. Their little boy and Mikey are in a bit of a checking each other out staredown.