Page 84 of All I Want is You

“Thank you. Just thank you.”

I smile before finding Wes on his hands and knees, cleaning up the kitchen floor. “Are you okay?”

Wes sits back on his heels. His hands rest open faced on his knees. “I thought I was ready for this. I really did. I’ve gone over all the scenarios in my head. The middle of the night call. The in a meeting call. Everything. I never expected to be in the middle of her apartment, on my hands and knees, cleaning up after her water broke. Fuck. Why can’t it be the nineteen fifties and the fathers just pace the waiting room? This is too live and in living color.”

“Suck it up, Taylor. It’s about to get more real. What did they want us to do?”

“They want us to get there, and I quote, ‘as quickly and safely as possible.’”

“Well then, that’s what they’ll get. Hannah is as ready as she’s going to be. If she’s in pain, you wouldn’t know it. I’m pretty impressed with her.”

“I’m impressed with you, Hayley. You’re in here calling the shots like it’s not your first rodeo.”

“I had Grey’s Anatomy on twenty-four seven for the past week or so. Meredith was the only person I could think of who would be as miserable as I was.”

Wes instantly begins chuckling. “God, I love you.”

“I love you more. I don’t want her to be alone so when you’re done here, go get the car and double-park if you have to out front. I can get her downstairs by myself. Are you good to drive?”

“I think so. I should be.”

“If you’re not certain, I can do it.”

“I’d rather you were by her side. I think it’s good for her.”

“You’re going to be with her in the delivery room. She needs to be able to trust you and you definitely have to be able to trust yourself. Go in and tell her what you’re going to do and that you’ll be right back. Hannah is sitting in that bathroom right now alone and likely the most vulnerable she’s ever been. I know how that feels. Make her feel safe.”

Wes kisses me on the forehead as he passes by to go reassure her. I quickly text Eli to let him and Dylan know what’s happened and where we’ll be. I don’t know how I’m doing what I’m doing. It’s like instincts I didn’t know I have are taking over. I always felt I had this large capacity for empathy when I needed it. Today is one of those days.

It takes longer than I thought it would to get downstairs to the car. Just after Wes left, Hannah had the first contraction she spoke up about. She had to lean into the wall of her entryway and ride it out before we could move again. I’ve noticed since we got here an hour or so ago, Hannah is having more trouble moving. I’m no Addison Shepherd, but to me that means the baby has dropped significantly. I don’t want to scare either of them, however, I’m starting to freak out.

Wes did take me up on my offer to drive. He rides to my right. I can see him in the backseat with my mirror over my shoulder. He’s got Hannah’s hand in his. She squeezes it with every contraction she has. There have been two since we got in the car. This is moving from the on-ramp to the fast lane really quick.

As I pull into emergency, Wes leaps from the car with it still moving. Hannah now has her forehead pressed into the headrest of my seat. “Try and relax. Just breathe.”

“This hurts so much more than I thought it would. I wish my mother was here. I wish my best friend was here.”

“Can I call them for you? Is that too weird?”

“It is, but that would be so nice. In the pocket…of my bag…phone list…”

Hannah manages to communicate enough for me to know what she needs. A wheelchair escort has arrived for her with a nurse to match. They are loaded and moving before I even have a chance to compute it’s happening. I get a kiss from Wes, a strange look from the nurse, and Hannah reaching for my hand just before they ride away.

Chapter Thirty-One


I get Hayley’s text message in the middle of a critical meeting. I instantly sit taller and try to move the agenda along. My father notices the change in my demeanor right away. I make sure I take the time to acknowledge Hayley so she knows I’ll be there as soon as possible. I don’t want either of them to go through this without me.

My father texts me, which is rare for him to do in the middle of a meeting. I responded with the baby is on the way. He in turn sits up straighter as well. Between the pair of us, we’re able to table the last two items and as the players are leaving the room, my father takes my ear.

“Tell Anna to send the end of day to me. Should your mother and I come, just in case?”

“No. I don’t think so. Hayley’s words seem strong. If I see her and read something different, I’ll call. I don’t want to overwhelm everyone with more bodies. I hope you understand.”

“Of course I do. Tell Wes to breathe. We all know what happens when he doesn’t.” He smiles.

“Yeah. No. I’ll tell him. I’ve got to go. I don’t want to miss this.”