Page 9 of All I Want is You

“I like cake.”

“Hey…and as long as we’re communicating…I love you.”

I can see the warmth that brings to not only her eyes, but also her soul. I may not be able to give a speech like Pops, talking about fifty-two years yet, but I can make her feel more a part of my world. As freaked out as parts of that make me, I’m willing to try for her.


I’m always happy when our foursome can get together. Tonight is no exception.

“How are the filets?”

“They should be done and ready to serve in about five minutes. Where the hell are they? Shouldn’t they have been here half an hour ago?”

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. “See, there. Calm down. Your steak record is safe.” I open the door to find Hayley without Wes. “Hayley?”

“Yeah. Hi. I’m sorry I’m late.”

“No big deal. Where is your other half?”

“We were on our way out the door when Hannah called him. I guess she wasn’t feeling well. He wanted to check on her.”

“Wasn’t feeling well? What does that mean?”

Hayley steps in from the foyer to Eli’s booming voice from the kitchen. “Do you have any concept of time, asshole?” He rounds the corner to Hayley’s sheepish face. “Where is he?”

“He’s going to be late. He said if the food was ready to go ahead. I’m sorry if we ruined dinner.”

“Hayley, don’t apologize for him. The steaks have a few minutes before they’re ready. I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Eli tells her.

“I’d be able to tell you if I knew where she lived.” Hayley flops to the couch. “I know her name and that she’s having his child. That’s about all I know.”

Eli and I exchange looks out of Hayley’s line of sight. “Do you know what he said was wrong with her?” I ask.

“She’d been feeling nauseous all day then I think she was having some back pain, I guess.”

“I’m sure she’s just got that bug going around. Couldn’t a friend have looked in on her?”

“She does have someone close down the hall, from what I’ve been able to overhear, but I think she’s out of town for work. I think her mom doesn’t live here either.”

“No, she doesn’t,” Eli adds. “I think she’s upstate.”

“Well, that’s more than I know.”

Hayley begins to wind her hair around her finger. When she does that, Eli steps forward to kneel at her side. “Hey, Kiddo, I know this is tough. It will take some time to sort it all out. Come in the kitchen and help me with the sides. I made your favorite potatoes.”

“Extra crunchy?”

“They absolutely are if I didn’t fuck them up.”

“Sure. I’ll help.”

Her voice sounds so defeated, so not like the sometimes annoyingly chipper ball of sunshine she is. Eli and I exchange another silent look after she passes. I give him a nod to go. When I can hear them in the kitchen, I pop in the bedroom to give Wes a call.

He answers on the fifth ring. “Look, I know. I know. I’m late. I’m stuck in traffic. There’s a medical emergency or something. I’m this close to walking.”

“I was calling to sort of bust your chops, but also, how’s Hannah?”

“She seems okay. I got her some bread and broth at the place you go to. I waited for her to eat a bit of it to see how she was. I think she’ll be good to go. I’ll call or stop by there after dinner and before my West Coast meeting to double-check.”