Page 6 of All I Want is You

I’m sprinting up the hallway toward our apartment when I nearly run into Eli as he’s chatting with Lauren in her doorway. “Look who’s here. I feel like we never see each other anymore.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Let’s have dinner next week. I’ll cook.”

“Looks like someone had a great afternoon.”

“Oh my God, Goose. It was the absolute best!”

I can feel my husband’s eyes follow me as I pirouette past them to our door. Eli chuckles. “On that note, I’ll talk to you later.” I toss my bag into the overstuffed chair and plop down on the couch in a post amazement haze. “Okay, Dylan. I usually see that goofy face after only one thing. I know you weren’t here, so what’s my competition?”

I laugh, patting the seat next to me. “Jill. Eli, I had an hour private lesson from her after my hour on the floor solo. My feet are killing me, my back aches, but I can tell you it was one-hundred-percent worth it. She heard me rehearsing and came to say hi. We started talking about the piece. Remember the music I used in the senior show?”

“I’ll never forget it. It’s on my Dylan playlist.”

I lean over and give him a soft, slow kiss. “What was that for?”

“Just being you.” I take a deep breath. “I want to use that music again but change the feel of it. It was so somber the first time. I feel differently about the music now. It’s more triumphant to me than it used to be. The tears that would come would be of joy not sadness. Jill asked to see what I had. Eli, she worked me so hard. I felt like I was in her company. We traded choreo ideas. She would yell at me, clap her hands for the beat, and even show me things I hadn’t tried.”

My mouth finally stops moving and I turn my head toward my husband’s. He’s simply listening and smiling. “What?”

“You. Just you. Would you like to finish your overpacked day in a hot bath, then I could bring you soup and a recovery shake to bed while I rub your feet?”

“Those are some sexy words. I’ll say yes to all the things. If I get a second wind too, it’s all yours.”


Wes is talking to his boss after dinner for the third time this week. I can tell he’s on edge. The draft isn’t too far away and from what I can tell, there are a couple of his deals that are on the ropes.

There are printouts of contracts layered all over the dining table with his personal laptop and his work laptop going. Every once in a while, he’ll get up from the table and do a lap around the room. I try to get him to put it away for dinner but with the coastal time differences, it is just too hard.

It sounds like he might be getting in trouble or at least being talked to harshly. I know when Wes hardly gets a word in it’s either that or he’s not listening at all. His hands in his hair tell me all I need to know. While he’s sitting still, I try to massage the tension away from his neck. He’ll let me for a minute or two before it’s the yes… no… I understand, and then returns to pacing the room.

I feel like I’m bothering him. Maybe tonight is just one of those nights where I stay at my parents’ house. I leave him to his call and start packing an overnight bag. I have my first solo meeting with a client we’ve onboarded tomorrow too. This could be a good way for me to get focused on what I need to do.

While I’m winding up my electronics cords in my backpack, Wes comes into the room and startles me. “What are you doing?”

I jump and can feel my heart racing in my neck. “I thought I’d let you do you with all the work stuff going on. It sounds like it’s going to be a rough night.”

“What do you mean? My call with Sully? Nah. He’s a lot of bark and huff and puff. He wasn’t telling me anything I wasn’t already aware of or working on. He’s one of those who doesn’t buy you’re working hard if he can’t see it.”

“I just thought it might make things easier for you if I went to Mom and Dad’s. Then you can focus easier.”

“I am focused. Please don’t go. I’m sorry this night didn’t go as planned. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

“I’m not complaining. I just want what’s best for you.”

Wes settles his glasses in the neck of his T-shirt as he walks over to stop my hands from moving. “What’s best for me is you. The negotiations are ongoing. Nothing is going to finalize tonight. It’s down to the wire, but I’ve got it.”

“Are you able to put it away for a little while?”

“Of course. Did you want to binge something? Watch a movie?”

“Honestly, I would like to curl up with you without any electronics. I’m a little anxious about tomorrow.”

“Wait. Did I miss something? What’s tomorrow?”

“I was going to mention it over dinner. I have my first solo meeting with a client tomorrow.”

“Shit. Hayley. That’s a big deal. All right, phones away. You have my full attention.” He kisses my forehead before setting my backpack on the floor. With a gentle tug, Wes leads me back to the living room and our couch. He shuts off the sports network and my anxiety level drops about four notches. Just the silence and the touch of his hand does so much. “Tell me about this client.”