Page 69 of All I Want is You

“It’s five in New York. Quit bitching and take a sip.” The bartender places the two-for-one pints in front of each of us. She also orders three different appetizers. I know this drill of hers from past experience. This is going to get deep and it’s going to be several pints. “Okay. I knew you were off when I picked you up. You never walk out like that either. What’s going on?”

I tell her everything. I tell her all about Hayley and full disclosure of our relationship to present. I tell her about Hannah and our baby. I tell her about what happened in last time we were here, and what happened when we got home. I tell her what Sully said in our meeting. She listens…really listens. I didn’t realize how badly I needed to let it all go to someone who didn’t have a dog in the hunt.

“Why didn’t you say anything before? I could tell something was wrong. I didn’t want to pry.”

“You don’t pry, Gabs. You creatively sneak in and extract information. It’s your gift.”

“Haha, very funny.” She reaches across and takes my hand. “This is going to sound bad coming from me. Just know that I mean it in a good way. I’m proud of you. Let’s break this down. Eli’s wife gave you some really good advice. I know you, Wes. When you’re into something, you don’t give up. Don’t give up on her just yet. She’s got so much going on. So do you.”

“Now I have my job to work out. Isn’t it fucking illegal what he’s doing?”

“It is, but you don’t want to trash your reputation by dragging it into court when there’s another option. I’ve been thinking about branching out and going solo or creating my own agency. If you’re ready, I’d like to lure you away. No one has relationships with their athletes like you do. I’m working with lawyers to deal with the non-competes and how we can legally approach our current rosters. So are you willing to add another risk to the table?”

“Fuck, Gabs. I’m legit speechless. Thank you for your confidence in me.”

“It’s not just about that. It’s good business. I’ll have my lawyers get you the business plan and take a look at your current contract. Talk to whomever you need to talk to and let me know. Hey, sometimes it’s good to shake everything up to see where you can really go.”

A pizza dinner with Garrett and Gabi was exactly what I needed. We talk about old times, and I am able to toss it back to them so I can hear about their lives. It gives me a bit of space to start to process the last twenty-four hours. I give up my hotel room to couch it at Garrett’s. It feels like another family instead of more alone time.

I’ve always loved my family, both my one by blood and the ones by choice. The past couple of weeks have shown me I need them more than I’m willing to admit. On the flight back, I sleep for a bit. When I wake, I stare at my laptop screen. I begin and delete an email to Hayley about six times. I want to tell her about everything that’s happened, all the things I’m considering, and ask what she wants to do.

I end up writing it and sticking it in the drafts. In some small way, it allows me to process all the things I’m thinking and feel like I’m telling her. When I close out of it, I see an email from Hannah in my inbox. It’s a schedule of upcoming appointments for her until delivery time. Her next one is tomorrow.


I haven’t gone to any yet. She didn’t offer and I didn’t ask. I don’t know why I didn’t. I need to get better at this and quickly. After a response to Hannah, asking for the address and telling her that I’d like to go, I shut my laptop before I could change my mind.

I land at LaGuardia late and ask for the Uber to take me to Eli’s. I text on the way over. Eli does answer and is waiting for me when I get there.

“You’re damn lucky I was working late instead of working late, Mav.”

“I know. I get it. It’s just been a hell of a couple of days. I’m moving my shit this weekend. With any luck, this will be the last night I crash the party.”

I move past him with my carry-on bag, pushing it to the side. Making a beeline for the kitchen, I open the special cupboard and find my bottle of tequila in the back corner where I left it.

“Okay, it’s nearly midnight on a Thursday and you’re drinking like it’s Saturday. Did something happen?”

My glass and the bottle hit the counter at the same time. “A lot actually. This isn’t about that. It’s about what I have to do tomorrow. I’m going to an appointment with Hannah and I’m freaking the fuck out.”

“Oh. Wow. Okay. Pour me one too.”

I let a long pour fall out into his tumbler after I assess the depth of my glass. “Jesus. I said one, not three. What kind of appointment is it? Did she say?”

“Just a routine visit. I guess we can hear the heartbeat and stuff.”

I take sip after sip of my glass. The heat begins in the back of my throat and feels like it travels all the way to my feet. “You’re just realizing this is really real, aren’t you?” Eli asks.

“I wouldn’t be here letting this burn my throat to stop my hands from shaking if not.”

“Look, I know you’re freaking out. But I want you to take that moment in when it happens. You’ll want to remember it.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Hannah waits for me on the street. She’s on her cell when I approach her from behind. Her hair is pinned up off her neck. The sides of her camel-colored trench coat fly open as she turns to see me. I haven’t seen her in weeks. Her bump then was easily masked behind the designer clothes she likes to wear. There is no disguising it now. She’s fully rounded out into a nearly perfect basketball. I think she can read my mind. Quietly the phone call ends, leaving us awkwardly standing on the busy streets of New York.

“Thank you for coming.”