Page 61 of All I Want is You

“Some. Hayley’s done a lot of crying and cuddling close to me. I’ve convinced her to take a hot bubble bath. She’s in her bathroom soaking right now. She’s very down on herself and very sad. I don’t want to push her. I’ve called an acquaintance of mine, Dr. Beck. She’s a licensed therapist. Hayley’s agreed to go see her this afternoon on an emergency basis.”

“I’m glad. That needs to happen. Mom, what do I do here?”

“I’m assuming you’re asking me what to tell Wes?” she asks.

“Yes.” Please, Mom, give me anything to help.

“Hayley’s going to need time. She’s made it very clear that she doesn’t want to see him right now. Even though it breaks my heart, I think it’s for the best. They’ll have to gain closure at some point. I just can’t say when that might be.”

“All right, Mom. Okay. I’m going to stop by later before I head home for the evening. If anything comes up between now and then, will you call me?”

“You know I will, darling. Hug that sweet boy for me.”

“I will. Bye, Mom.”

I take a breath to collect my thoughts to give something to my best friend, who’s in so much pain I can feel it shedding off him in waves. Just then, he gets up off the couch and goes to stand, facing out the window. He stares out at the skyline. I toss my phone down next to his empty whiskey bottle. Rounding the back of the couch, I slide my hands into my pockets, waiting and hoping he will say something.

“She’s with Lil, right?”

“Yes. She’s safe. I think she needs time, Wes. Let me go over there tonight and see if I learn anything. Mom and Dad are still reeling from Seattle. There’s just a lot right now. Don’t give up hope.”

“Don’t worry about me. I always bounce back.”

Wes turns away from the rain falling outside like every drop burns his skin. He walks past me, stalking toward the door. Just as he puts his hand on the handle, he pauses with a statement I don’t think I will ever unhear.

“I just wish I didn’t always have to.”

He opens the door quietly and leaves down the hall. I call out to him as he nears reception. He doesn’t look back. The last thing I hear after the elevator ding is silence.

I just wish I didn’t always have to.

Me too, Mav. Me too.

Chapter Twenty-One


Anna came to my desk right after Wes left. I thought I’d heard his voice before I went into my meeting. I kept checking my phone over and over again to see if I’d receive a text from Eli. I only remember bits and pieces of the meeting. I’ll have to apologize for that later. Right now, I can only focus on our little family that’s falling apart.

When I realize Eli’s calendar has been cleared, and I have an opening in my day, I hobble down to his office to check on him to ask what happened. His door is closed to a small crack. I push it open with the rubber on the bottom of my left crutch. He’s standing, staring out the window overlooking the city.

I look over my shoulder at Anna. She nods her head as if to say he needs you and you won’t be disturbed. Once I’m beyond the door, I use the same rubber tip to close the door. The handle cradling in the latch breaks his trance.

“You heard?”

“I only know Wes was here. Anna came to tell me before our department meeting. It’s bad, right?”

“At first I thought Hannah had miscarried.”

“Oh fuck. Is she okay?”

“Yes, she’s fine. The baby’s fine. Hayley appears to have left Wes.”

“Wait, what? Are you sure?”

“Dylan, I’m not sure of anything anymore. What I know right now is that the three people closest to me are in some kind of pain, and I can’t do a goddamn thing for any of them.”

“Eli, look at me.”