Page 38 of All I Want is You

I watch as my beautiful wife nearly melts into my hands. “That was the best thing you’ve ever said to me.”

“Better than I love you? Shit. Good to know.”

Dylan takes her own nibble out of my neck, which only makes me grip her closer to me. “I’m going to figure this out for myself, Eli. I’d love your help, but my way back has to come from within me.” Dylan curls her head under my chin and starts to play with the nonexistent lint on my shirt. “I want to come up with a plan for the long term, not just right now. I know rehab will be a huge part of it, but it also makes me think long term. I know that makes zero sense.”

She takes a deeper breath then says something very telling. “I need to talk to Jill and probably Sam.”

My fingers that have been drawing lazy patterns on her skin slow as my brain starts to process what she said. “Okay, Jill I understand. Your injury changes your scope with her, but why Sam?”

“I don’t just want to raise money and help these kids through adversity with the arts. I want to help them psychologically too. That sometimes can be worse than a physical injury. I know Sam understands that. There are so many evil things you can say to yourself or convince yourself are true. Those kids need to know how to deal with rejection and setbacks. I wish I’d had that when I started. I wouldn’t have gone through so much self-doubt. I wouldn’t have seen as many tears, possibly all the issues I’ve seen with artist self-harm… everything. I feel really strongly about this, Eli.”

“Another fire lit in the belly of my wife. This is the sexiest thing about you.”

“It is? I thought it was the way I give you shit. Damn. Am I slipping?”

I chuckle against the top of her head. “No, Viper. In fact, you’re getting better at it.”

“I’m going to take a couple of days and get my thoughts more organized. I want to talk to Sam and see what he thinks. I know he’s had his struggles and would have his own perspective. Maybe I could even have a conversation with Lucy. She can give me a look from the one who loves them side. Then I want to talk to your father.”

“Dad? Why?”

“Sometimes I think we’re so attached to this project that if we had someone we trust look at it from the outside in, we could avoid pushback.”

“You mean Elyse. Dylan, maybe I should be the one to talk to my father. Maybe I should just tell him, then that steals her power.”

“No. We’re not there yet. I agree there’s only one way to deal with a snake, and that’s head-on. You don’t call me Viper for nothing. I’m going to circle the pit and if I need to, dive in.”

“I was wrong. That’s the sexiest thing about you.”


I’ve tried to reach Hayley now for more than twenty-four hours. I know that by the find my phone option, by location, she was with Eli and at home on either side of it. I just wish I understood what’s going on. I try once more to get her on the phone. It rings all the way to voicemail. I toss my phone on the hotel bed and continue packing to catch my flight. Just as I’m ready to head out the door, my text notification pings. Finally, Hayley’s responding.

I open our text chat to find a screenshot of an Instagram post from the fundraiser last night. Just below is a short message. I hope you had fun.


Just… fuck.


Eli doesn’t think I should be working yet. I feel differently. So we meet in the middle. I’ll work from home at the table until next week, then I’ll go back to the office as normal. I can get around our space by myself. We pull the office chair from the spare bedroom desk so I can wheel around between all the rooms and bring my crutches with me for the spots my chair can’t get into. I’m glad we came up with this, because honestly, it’s a great workout wheeling myself all over.

The other part is he’ll work two-thirds of the day in the office then start and end at home. I told him he didn’t have to do that, but the Prince Charming being that lives in my husband won’t have it any other way. Skye is being amazing, not like that’s a shock, and so are my partners. With the slow roll back to normal, I’ve got a little time on my calendar this morning. I’ve asked for an in-person meeting with someone who could hold a few of the missing pieces for us.

Jack was surprised I called this morning and even more surprised I wanted to keep it just between the two of us for now. I asked him to stop over at lunchtime. I ordered in from his favorite local deli, which had our food waiting when he knocked on the door.

“It’s open,” I holler.

My father-in-law enters with another knock and the door open a crack. “Dylan?”

“I’m at the table. I’d come to greet you but...”

Jack gets past the corner of the wall before stopping. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” I give my chair a good shove back then pedal my way forward with my good leg. “I hope you’re not still in too much pain.”

“I’m able to get myself in and out of the bathroom and this chair is like a carnival ride. We can do chair races later, if you want.”

“I can see you haven’t lost your sense of humor. Is that Carlito’s I smell?”