Page 21 of All I Want is You

The message in the body is as follows:

Hello Dylan –

I’ve missed you quite a bit at the studio. There are several things that need attention. I realize you’re stretched thin, however, some of it is time sensitive. Can you check your AnSa calendar and book me in during business hours tomorrow please?

See you soon-



My alarm reminder tells me I have two minutes to get to Skye’s office. It’s less than fifty feet from mine and only hidden by a wall or two. When I stand up, I see Eli walking into her office buttoning his jacket. Fuck. Just. Fuck. I slide my sweater over my sleeveless top, grab my iPad, and walk to face the music.

My knock on Skye’s open door is a little more timid than I even expected of myself. “Hi, Dylan. Come in. You can close the door behind you.” Eli stands as I close the door. He even pulls out my chair for me before going to sit behind Skye to her right.

“This is Skye’s meeting. I’m going to be an observer unless there’s something I need to address.”

“Okay.” That’s the only word I have at the moment.

“These conversations are never easy. I don’t want you to think you’re in trouble or made an error in some way, but I’ve been tracking your work habits, your IP log, and your work product. Your ideas are brilliant. That isn’t the issue. What’s beginning to worry me is the amount of work you have and your response to it.

“Dylan, you’ve logged more than double the hours of your nearest team member for over two weeks. You’ve been forgetting things you normally wouldn’t, and your second project for my side this week was good, it worked, but it wasn’t your normal standard.

“While I know you’ll likely be able to manage an elite caseload for us, manage your foundation, and whatever else you decide, I think for right now, you should step your share of the work back to a junior level, which is where you should have started to begin with. Eli is here as a representative of upper management. I know that this puts us all in an unusual place, but I trust his perspective.”

I can feel my heart racing in my chest. I haven’t even started, and I feel like I’ve failed.

Eli leans forward. “Dylan. I don’t want you to see this as a punishment or a defeat.”

“I’m sorry. How else am I supposed to see it?”

Skye continues, “I look at it as a learning experience for all of us. We learned that just because you can do it, and do it well, doesn’t mean you should at this time. I’d like to give it another year. That way you can get even better acclimated. This doesn’t mean that the clients you’ve already worked for will be cut off from you. They’re all quite taken with you. This might mean you work those accounts and not any new ones for a while. I have a few other training scenarios I’d like to see you attempt, then once you’re a master there, we can slowly reintroduce more and different things.”

She finishes her speech, and we all sit there in silence. I’m not mad. I’m not sad. I’m just completely disappointed in them and myself. “Eli, you’re in agreement?” I ask.

“Skye and I have had a couple of conversations, and yes, I support her decision. I’ll also be part of your new opportunities when Skye feels like things have leveled out.”

“I see. I want what’s best for the team and AnSa, so I’ll do whatever is asked of me.”

My shoulders stay up as Eli and Skye’s begin to relax a little. “Dylan, I’d like to have a private word with you, if you have time. Skye, are we finished?”

“I think we’re good. Just so you know what to expect, I’m going to meet with the team, Dylan, to reorganize all the departmental duties and clients. This should make it a more even playing field for everyone. That meeting will be held the first of next week.”

“Okay.” There’s that word again. “Eli, your office?”

“Yes, please. Thank you, Skye. We’ll touch base later.”

I rise before Eli does. That seems to catch him off guard. He buttons his suit coat before opening the door for me. I quickly exit and turn out of our wing of the floor with my eyes forward toward Eli’s office. I can hear him literally half a step behind me. We get to Anna’s desk, and she gives me a smile. I give her one back and it’s less than the enthusiastic chatter she always gets. I hear Eli talking to her behind me as I enter his office, facing the windows. “Make sure we’re not disturbed, Anna. Thank you.”


I close the door quietly and draw the blinds on my window to the hallway. In all this, Dylan doesn’t move from the middle of my office. I don’t know if she’s seeking solace in the scenery outside my window or if she doesn’t want to look at me. My bet is both.

“Dylan, I’m sorry I couldn’t warn you about the meeting or its contents.”

“I always said I didn’t want preferential treatment. That’s what I got today.”

“You’re angry with me. I can feel it.”