Page 12 of All I Want is You

Which will she choose?

“Good afternoon, Dylan,” she says as she passes me all the way down to the end of the conference table. All right. Game on, Elyse. I came ready to play. If you want to volley, you’ve got it.

“Good afternoon, Elyse. If you’d like some chocolate, there’s enough for everyone.”

“Oh, no thank you. Need to watch my girlish figure. You know how it is.”

“I do. I also don’t deny myself either.” I turn my focus back to the entire room. “Thank you all so much for attending today. On behalf of Eli and myself, we’re grateful you all want to know what our latest generation of this project will look like.”

“It’s a shame Elijah couldn’t be here,” Elyse adds.

“Yes, he was double-booked for today and his other meeting couldn’t be moved since the partners flew in. He trusts me to present our vision to all of you. In front of you on the table, you’ll find an informational packet with a renewed mission statement, graphics, and bullet points illustrating the next evolution in our partnership with the Roark Foundation and how we could branch this idea off for AnSa alone.”

“And Mr. Roark isn’t here either?”

“No, his schedule wouldn’t allow for it. He’s fully aware of what I’m presenting today. If you have questions once we’re done, he’s asked I collect them and forward them to him and his team in the next day or so, if it involves their side.”

Elyse sits back, smug and silent in her chair, as I go over our new vision. I present our new logo first. “It’s ALITE. It’s pronounced like elite but is A-L-I-T-E., which stands for Artistic Lives Infuse Tomorrow’s Excellence. We want to give these kids a sense of pride and the ability to forward think instead of only worrying about the moment. Studies have shown that investment is the key to staying away from negative influences.”

There are many smiles around me. Everyone seems to be focused on the design of the logo and the meaning behind our name. The only one who doesn’t seem sold is Elyse. Her arms are folded, and she’s plastered on her best thinking face. “Has this already passed board approval?” she asks.

“Well, Elyse, technically it’s not needed since the Sawyer family will be privately funding as a majority stakeholder. However, if you feel the need to bring it to them, I’d be more than happy to arrange the meeting..”

“No, dear. That’s fine. It was a simple question.”

Nothing is simple with you, Elyse.

“Of course. We also have a new list of partners that we’re excited to share. There are several members of the arts community here in New York, but we also have many inquiries of how to help from other parts of the world, such as London, Rome, and even Sydney. The word is getting out there before we even have our launch event for this new venture. I see that as a positive sign.”

“Not to be negative, but checks will show that versus simple praise.”

“No one would ever accuse you of being negative. While, yes, that would be the ultimate goal to keep the ball rolling, the chatter is definitely positive and something we’re ready and able to capitalize on.”

Finally some of the other attendees leap in with questions. I’m so happy they did. I was one more interjection shy of wanting to punch Elyse Nordby in the face. Luckily, she didn’t say anything else for the remainder of the meeting. However, she’s becoming the queen of post meeting cornering.

“Another splendid meeting, Dylan. How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Manage everything. Don’t you ever get tired? Doesn’t Elijah?”

“What does that mean?”

“Oh, nothing disrespectful, I assure you. I just mean, you must be so busy that you hardly have time to be newlyweds.”

Okay, witch. You just crossed a line. “I don’t understand how that’s any of your business. Since you did ask so nicely, my newlywed time with my husband is just fine. It’s more than fine. Some would be offended that you’re asking. I find it intriguing. What’s your interest in Eli?”

Oh shit. That just happened.

“What is it exactly you’re accusing me of, dear?”

“First of all, I’d appreciate it if you’d call me Dylan or Mrs. Sawyer, not dear. Second, I think you’re an intelligent woman. You can figure it out.”

“If you’re implying that I have some unrequited romantic interest in your husband, you couldn’t be more off base.”

“Then I would suggest keeping questions or comments of that nature to yourself. I have another meeting in thirty minutes I need to prepare for. I think we’re done here. Don’t you?”

She straightens her already excellent posture once more, in her loss of who’s is bigger. “Well, this might be the first thing we’ve agreed upon today. Have a good rest of your day, Dylan.”