Page 78 of All I Want is You

I freeze as I hear a knock at my bedroom door, followed by a quick turn of the handle. There’s no time to do anything except whisper in Wes’s ear. “Don’t move.”

When my eyes focus on the shadow in the open doorway, the shape of my mother is undeniable. The whites of her eyes are what I can see. I also see her hand rise to her mouth before she turns and closes the door. I know she and my father are about ten feet away from me. I feel Wes laughing softly against my neck as his cock still resides inside me.

“Stop laughing. This isn’t funny.”

“Oh the hell it’s not. Hey, I’m already ahead of the game. I’m still breathing. Hayles, you have no idea how bad I want to finish right now before we face them. I can, you know.”

“Been caught before, perhaps? This is a new one for me. I’ve never even been caught kissing someone in their house let alone having sex. What is my mother going to say? Fuck, what’s my father going to say?” His hips do a couple of slow, calculated rolls. I can feel the orgasm building deep inside me. “Oh Jesus Christ. Mmmm…finish.”

It doesn’t take long. Wes pins me beneath him and begins what I can only describe as the magic he says I have. He thrusts so quickly inside me; the friction is undeniable. Within a moment, my lips are pressed against his chest so even if my parents are right outside my door still, they won’t hear a sound.

I tell Wes to go shower in my en suite bathroom while I attempt to talk to my parents. He refuses and insists he goes to find them with me. I’m not sure what awaits us until I get to the top of the stairs. There are no lights on in the house except for the usuals, the one in the kitchen and the one in my father’s office. I can instantly tell there’s no one in the office when I reach the bottom landing. There’s always a certain type of hum that comes out of there when he’s working. That’s not what I hear.

What we do hear is soft conversation from the kitchen and a spoon or two clanging against a dish. Wes places a kiss on my forehead and a hand at the small of my back to lead me into what could be the lion’s den. I feel like I’m the fourteen-year-old who got caught sneaking in late and I have to explain myself. This will be worse. So much worse.

I tighten the tie on my robe and hold the lapels closed as we cross the threshold into the kitchen. My mother is just closing the freezer door and my father is huddled over a bowl of ice cream at the breakfast bar. There are two empty bowls and one-half empty bowl beside him. We stand frozen, much like the mounds of ice cream waiting to be addressed.

“Hello, Wesley,” my mother chirps. “Ice cream?”

I can hear that low chuckle I’ve become used to again in the last few hours rumble around in his chest. “Yes, please. Two scoops.” Wes gives me a gentle nudge at my back to go have a seat next to my father. “Have any chocolate syrup?”

“Seriously?” I blush as I sit next to my father. “Are we going to turn this into dessert hour and not address the rather huge elephant in the room?”

“I’m sure we do, Wes,” my father adds. “So, am I to infer that the two of you are back together?” I cross my arms on the countertop and flop my head over so everyone can’t see the brilliant shade of red my face and ears have now become.

Wes stands at the short end of the counter next to my father. His voice calmly radiates through the room. “Yes, we are. I came to Hayley tonight to ask her to forgive me, tell her I’m willing to do what it takes for as long as it takes to make her feel safe with me again.” He clears his throat. “You should also know that I’ve asked Hayley to marry me, and she said yes.”

My head shoots up off my arms and I’m staring into the eyes of my future husband. I love him more than I could ever say for what he just said, but I’d also like to kill him.

My mother walks over with the pint of vanilla still in her hand, setting it down between all of us. She reaches across to pull one of my hands free from my defensive, defeated posture while the other rests softly on Wes’s arm. “Are you sure this is what you both want? Are you certain about the commitment you want to make? Things won’t get easier.”

I open my mouth to start answering her when Wes beats me to the punch. “Lil, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I have a history I know I’ll have to erase from your memory over time. Losing this one and all the pain she’s been through has changed me. She’s changed me. I know there are so many things, so many unknowns we’ll have to face. I know we’ll be able to face them together. I never thought I’d have my Jerry Maguire moment, but she completes me. Jack, I’m sorry I didn’t get your blessing. I’m sorry I didn’t care for her better in the first place. If she can find it in her to let me try again, I’m hoping you will too.”

If I hadn’t already said yes, what he just said would have done it for me. “Mom, Dad…I know what you walked in on tonight was, well, unexpected. I am happy. I’m okay. I’m better than okay. We’re going to figure this out together. I don’t know what that will look like necessarily, however, I want to. I need to. He’s the one.”

My father looks at Wes, then looks over to me. He knows. He can see it in my eyes and his. We’re on the same page. We want the same things and are going to do what it takes to be there for each other. “Well, Lily, it looks like we’re toasting with ice cream. I think this calls not only for chocolate syrup, but perhaps a few sprinkles.” My father leans over, kisses my forehead, and whispers, “It’s nice to see you smile like this and I’m glad I wasn’t the one who opened your door.”

“Me too, Dad. Me too.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Mom and Dad let Wes and I be alone again long enough to say good night. The thick sleeves of my robe fall back toward my shoulders as my arms loop around Wes’s neck. My toes curl, even being on them, with his kiss. He cups the back of my head like I’m a doll in his hands. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of hearing the soft groans from his throat. Holy shit. I’ll be able to hear them forever.

Wes and I didn’t talk about how we want to tell people or if we want to tell people. I never thought I’d be telling anyone anything like this for a long time, if ever. The first person I want to tell is Eli. This wouldn’t even be a thing without him. He’s always been the one to help me, guide me, care for me when I’m sick or hurt. We haven’t had much to celebrate lately as far as I am concerned. I need him to be happy for me.

I’d already agreed to a spa date for our feet, weeks ago, with Dylan. She texted me nearly every day this week to make sure I was okay, if I still felt like going, and to be my support human. Tori never was a sister to me. She always made me feel like an absolute bother if I asked her to do anything with me or if I wanted to spend time alone with Eli. It made me furious.

With Dylan, it’s so easy. She wants me to like her. She wants to make sure I know that she isn’t that person, especially after crossing paths with the Wicked Witch. She wants to be my sister and I want to be hers. As much as I want to share this with Eli first, I want to talk it through with my best friend.

I catch a ride into the city with my father. Mom had brunch with her friends, so he decided to go into the office for a couple of hours. At least this way, he can tell Mom it was because he was already there instead of in the reverse. Dylan has become very skilled on her crutches. I told her I could get us a cab, but she insisted on going a few blocks so she could exercise.

“Dylan, that sounds more painful every time I hear it. The crunch of the metal on the pavement as you move. When did they say you could try putting weight on your knee again?”

“I see my physical therapist again on Monday. He’s an ass.”

I have to laugh. “You don’t like him then?”