Page 1 of All I Want is You

Chapter One


Initially we were so wrapped up in the moment with Wes and Hayley we didn’t get to process what happened with Dylan’s audition, which became her key to opening the next chapter of her life.

We went to her audition together. I stood outside that door thinking and praying for the outcome she desired. Her dream was to be in the dance company. She’d eaten, slept, and dreamed of this day since she could remember. However, when she got there, I heard her say words I’ll never forget. If her dream wasn’t big enough for me to be a part of it, she didn’t want it. I’ll never forget those words, or that sacrifice, as long as I live.

Dylan thanks me all the time for making sure all parts of her are fed. I don’t know why she’s thanking me. Letting me watch her success is as soul filling for me as the rest is for her. I think after the shock and reconciliation Wes and Hayley were able to wade through, things are finally getting on at a more normal pace.

It’s an adjustment for all of us that they’re together. It feels fast and right at the same time. Who am I to judge? My best friend and my sister. The two people I love most in the world love each other. I’ll do what I can to help them succeed.

“Eli? Eli?”

My name lingers around before I answer. “What? Oh. I’m sorry, Viper.”

“You were very lost in thought. Where were you?”

“Thinking about my sister and Wes. I hope they can wade through all this.”

“Your sister is very special in that regard, Eli. She has this enormous heart that she gives from constantly. Some see it as a weakness. I see it as a total asset. She loves hard. So does he. I was shocked. He was willing to let her go because he thought it was best for her. I’d say that’s a massive amount of progress.”

“May I be honest with you about something?”

She puts her files aside and closes her laptop, which I’m sure is thankful for the rest. “I’d hope you would be, no matter what.”

“My heart has a tiny piece of it that hurts that he’s going to be a father and I’m not, at least not yet.”

“I figured this would come up at some point. We can talk about it if you want, Eli.”

“I promised you I’d give you space about this. I know, especially after the gift you’ve given me and yourself with your choices, I have no right to want anything else.”

Dylan gets up from her perch at the dining table to slide in at my side. “Eli, I think you missed a part of what I was agreeing to by turning down the consideration from the company. They would have had full control over my body. It’s like some actors with certain contracts. There has to be an official conversation about when you want to start trying for a baby and they can even dictate when or if that happens.

“I’m not saying I’m tossing away my birth control tomorrow or anything, but also, I want that decision to be one you and I make. I don’t want it left up to a calendar on a wall and a committee. You’ve waited too long for a child to have it be that way. I’m not ready today, but I’m getting there, Goose.”

This is something I didn’t consider, or even know. I was so focused on the facts of her dream taking a left turn, and being able to attack our branch of the Roark Foundation like she wants, that I didn’t stop to think this would even be a thing.

“Dylan, you even making that a priority in your decision is monumental and a gift. I know your fears. I know your reservations. I respect them. It won’t be right for me until or unless it’s right for you.” I offer her a small smile from my lips. “Is it wrong that I would love to take you to bed and show you how much it means?”

“I do have a report due in the morning and you have, I think, half a dozen meetings that take you into lunch. We wouldn’t want you to be tired. Your attendees might think you’re slacking.”

“Are you suggesting we work before we play? Who are you and what have you done with my wife?”

“Oh, Viper’s right here. She is not advocating for work before play by any stretch of the imagination. She is just making sure the boss isn’t going to be tired and unprepared.”

“Oh, I might be tired, but never unprepared. Is this one of those nights you’re challenging me?”

“Would you like it if I was?”

“No matter how you come, I like it.”

“Was that supposed to be as dirty as it sounded? If so, I’m rubbing off on you.”

“Now that was dirty. Come here.” I slide her body over mine to straddle my waist. “I remember you like sofas.”

“Mmmm, they do have their advantages.” She uses her hands to press down on the back of the couch to leverage her weight into my core.

“What’s the saying in that movie? Fuck the paperwork.” I take her by surprise and flip her to her back beneath me on the cushions. Her giggle echoes off of every wall and into my soul.