Something had shifted between us. I couldn’t put a finger on it, but I felt like I’d known him forever. I couldn’t imagine my life without his hounding. The more time that passed between us, the stronger I felt about him.

He had loosened his tie, exposing the bare skin of his neck and I swallowed thickly. An image of my tongue licking him had my throat dry. He turned to me as if he had heard my dirty thoughts. Angling his head, he looked at me funny, his brows hunched. The car felt bereft of oxygen as his gaze turned molten.

Ignoring my thundering heart, I asked, “How much farther is the city?”

He blinked at my question, and looked out of the window. “We just entered the city, actually.” His voice hoarse.

I rubbed my neck, my skin so hot. Desire blazed within me and all I wanted to do was climb on Michael and fuck him. This craving had snuck up out of left field. None of my previous dates, including Jackson, had sent my body melting. Chaste kisses and a little hand holding was all I mustered during our dates, but with Michael, my body sought his like a compass pointed north.

My cheeks cooled when I considered how inappropriate my thoughts were at this time. Grief swamped my heart. Ava. Yet, the sadness was pushed aside by molten need, as I glimpsed Michael’s fingers and imagined them on me. Fuckery. What’s happening with me? Jaw clenched, Michael seemed to struggle as much as I did. He was holding himself back. Perhaps he already knew what caused this bone-melting desire in me.

“What’s going on?” I asked, panting like I ran a marathon.


Something huge hit the side of the car and sent the vehicle airborne. I screamed. The car spun in mid-air and landed on its side. I dropped onto the door. The vehicle rocked precariously. Looking out the front window, only sky met my gaze.

Michael kicked the opposite door, and I screamed again. He grabbed me and flew upward. The car slid off the precipice falling into the valley below. The loud sounds of metal and glass shattering raised goosebumps on my skin. I risked a look toward the ground to find at least a dozen vampires attacking the three vehicles that made up our security detail. I gasped, terror seizing me. Michael’s soldiers outnumbered the vamps but it wasn’t an equal fight when the soldiers had to get close to behead them.

Michael deposited me on the ground behind a tree, far enough from the fighting. Frightened, I peered around the tree. Wings were the only way I could tell the difference between the soldiers and vampires.

“Don’t move,” he ordered, handing me a knife. “If any vamp comes close, run. But if you can’t, use this. Stab him anywhere you can.” He pressed a tight kiss on my lips. “I'll be back shortly,” he pronounced and shot to the sky.

My body and heart thundered, and worry filled me. As Michael landed in the center of the fight, dread overtook my feelings. Michael was fast, strong and unmatched in the fight. He lifted a vampire by his neck and slammed him to the ground, flattening the vamp. I wouldn’t be surprised if it created a small crater. Lifting his sword in the other hand, he swiped and beheaded the vamp. He turned toward another and did the same. It was chaotic, and without Michael’s large wings, I couldn’t have kept track of him.

Sweat coated my palms, the knife a slippery thing in my hands. The vampires’ numbers dwindled but so did the number of soldiers. The protection detail surrounding the Archangel was scarce, and their occasional slip-up left Michael exposed. I wanted to run to him, fight for him, but my skills with the sword were as good as his skills at cataloging the library.

A loud thud sounded behind me and I whirled to find a vampire sneaking up, his face pale and hungry. His red eyes dropped to my exposed neck and he licked his ashen lips. My grip on the slippery knife tightened. I quickly glanced back toward the fight. But no one had noticed the vampire coming closer. Somehow, this one had escaped the battle.

Michael had ordered me to run. But my knees were weak. I could hardly stand, let alone run. Besides, my escape was blocked by this vamp. I raised the knife, putting it between the enemy and me. Goddess. Help. A quick prayer slid through my mind, then the vampire jumped on me and I shrieked.

His rotting body forced me to the ground, my bones rattling. His fingers held my shoulders down and he dived for my neck. Closing my eyes, I kept my grip tight on the knife, now trapped between us. Suddenly, the vamp’s stifling weight lifted and I sat up to find Michael pinning the vampire to the trunk of the tree.

“Not my mate,” he gritted out and broke the vamp’s neck. In the next moment, he beheaded the vampire. I stared as the head rolled onto the ground and landed next to my feet.

I felt rooted to the ground, robbed of words. The world fell away, the noises a mere buzz as Michael stopped in front of me, panting slightly. Something pulled in my gut painfully, ratcheting up my heartbeat. My hair stood on its end. His scent encircled us, and my brain emptied of any rational thoughts.

“What did you say?” I asked, my words barely a whisper.

He stepped closer, kicking the vampire’s head out away. The force of our sudden attraction had the air buzzing with electricity. His fingers wove in my hair, gripping it tightly. He’d brought me an inch away from his mouth. His gaze traced my lips, and reflected with a hunger that drenched my panty.

“Mate. My mate,” he crooned, his eyes shining with pride

The truth of it all rammed into me like a tornado and a violent shudder tore through me. “Holyfuckingwaffle.”


My lips crashed onto hers, swallowing her creative cuss. A tsunami of desire rose and my cock hardened like a fucking brick. I was impatient to strip her naked right here.

She rose to meet the rough kiss, and her arms encircled my neck. I lifted her against my body, drawing her closer. Her full breasts pressed against my chest. My cock pushed against her core. A moan broke out and I had no clue if it was me or her. My body was on fire and I needed to be inside her like a parched man in a desert.

It took a herculean effort to detangle myself, but I wouldn’t have our first time be here on the battlefield. I nearly gave in when she whimpered at the distance I had created between us.

“I know it hurts, sweetheart,” I murmured, putting more space between us. She immediately took a step toward me and I raised a hand to stop her. “We need a bed, and I won’t allow anyone to see your ravishing pussy,” I said, pointing to the gathering soldiers. She nodded, yet her eyes were wide and burning with desire. Oh sweet goddess. How will I last until we reached the palace?

I grabbed the first soldier with wings and pushed him toward Seraphina. “Fly her to the palace,” I ordered roughly.

The soldier recoiled but didn’t utter a word. As if cornered by a wild animal, he took a tentative step toward her when I exploded. “I’ll fucking kill you if you touch her,” I grounded out, pushing him away from Sera.