Page 86 of Killer Heat

She grabbed him by the arm. “What kind of business?”

“Let me go.”

“You’re not going to confront that Francesca woman…”

“I have to. Don’t you understand? I need to get those panties back before she hands them off to someone else. It might be too late already.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Don’t worry. I’ll be home as soon as I can. If your parents ask, tell them Dean’s watching the yard. He should be able to handle it for a couple of hours.”


He turned.

“If only you’d quit like you promised.”

He wished he had, wished he could. What compelled him to do what he did? He’d asked himself that since he was a boy, but he was just…different, and there didn’t seem to be anything he could do to make himself normal. “I’m sorry.”

“Be careful,” she said. Then she closed her eyes and her lips moved in what looked like a silent prayer, but Butch knew prayers wouldn’t save them. He’d never been acquainted with any god, couldn’t believe one existed. Even if there was some deity that took a benevolent interest in humankind, he wouldn’t protect Butch’s family. Not with the life Butch had lived. Not with the things he’d done. Butch had to take care of his own.

With a wave, he headed for the door.

“When will we be able to put it all behind us?” she whispered from the entrance to the kitchen.

He paused to look back at her, and gave her the same empty promise he’d given ever since she’d first caught him cheating. “Soon. Real soon.”

“It won’t end, Butch. It’ll never end, will it.”

“Sure it will.” Flinching at the tears in her eyes, evidence of pain he’d caused, he stepped out on the porch, where he stood gazing down at his son.

“Look, Daddy!” A grin spread across Champ’s face as he held up his Corvette. “This car goes fast.”

“That’s a cool car,” Butch agreed. He knew in that instant that he wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever he had to, but another voice interrupted him before he could leave the porch.

“Going somewhere?”

Butch jerked his head around to see Dean standing in the shade of the overhang near the empty dog run. “What are you doing out here?” he asked. “You’re supposed to be in the yard.”

“Don’t worry. I’m keeping an eye on things.”

“Not the things you’re supposed to.”

His smile grew faintly mocking. “For now, I’m keeping an eye on you.”

“Be careful with that,” Butch warned.

Straightening his frail, slim body, Dean pulled a woman’s thong from behind his back and twirled it around his finger. “Don’t worry. Your secrets are safe with me.”

* * *

Francesca watched Jonah from her driveway as he moved his luggage into his rental car. “I guess this is goodbye,” she said.

Jonah wondered how quickly he could arrange a flight. If he didn’t do it fast, he might change his mind. “I guess so.”

“I never dreamed I’d see you again. Let alone kiss you,” she added.

“Yeah, well, that kiss could’ve turned into a lot more,” he teased. “My mistake.”

“Actually, you did the right thing.”

“Why’s that?”