Page 76 of Killer Heat

Propping his hands against the wall on either side of her, he bent his head and brushed his mouth across hers. He didn’t want to come on too strong. All he needed was one taste, he told himself. But when her palms cupped his chin and her lips softened, he couldn’t have pulled away even if the motel was on fire.

Jonah had enough sense left to realize that he was sliding down a very slippery slope, but the kiss had started out so perfect—gentle, slow, controlled. He was determined to finish it just as perfectly, to give her a moment of tenderness to remember him by, a bittersweet farewell to the relationship they’d once shared.

Or maybe that wasn’t his real goal. Maybe, if he was completely honest, he’d admit this was his way of showing her that he could exercise some restraint, that he wasn’t out to use her or any other woman. But then her lips parted, welcoming his tongue, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hang on to his restraint….

She groaned. He hadn’t expected it, hadn’t thought she’d let him know she was enjoying this, but that encouragement sent an onslaught of testosterone into his bloodstream. Chest rising and falling, he explored the warmth of her mouth in a leisurely manner, hoping to drive the pleasure higher, to make her want him with a desperation that rivaled his own….

And then her body arched into his and she moaned again.

He almost moved his hand, almost went for her towel. But his cell phone rang, and the personalized ring identified the caller as Finch or Hunsacker. The detectives were probably confirming that they’d be at the meeting.

Pulling away, he turned so she wouldn’t be able to see that he was shaking. He’d missed the call and didn’t plan to return it until they were in the car, but the interruption had brought him to his senses, reminded him of his responsibilities—and his limitations where she was concerned.

“It’s your turn,” he said as he strode to the bed to put on his shoes. “What did you want to ask me?”

If he’d been interested in sharing any details about Lori, he would’ve mentioned his ex ten years ago. But a deal was a deal. He’d gotten even more than he’d wanted. The least he could do was reciprocate.

Francesca didn’t answer right away. When she did try to talk, she had to clear her throat first. “Why—why did the two of you break up?”

He recognized the doubt in her voice. She wondered if he’d cheated on Lori, too. After what he’d done, there was no way to reclaim her trust, no way to rectify his mistake. Knowing the past would always stand between them made him crazy for kissing her. He couldn’t have what he’d once had; he’d already destroyed it. “Not what you’re thinking.”

“So what was it?”

Did she believe him? Probably not. Why would she?

“Jonah?” she persisted.

He managed a sardonic smile as he looked back at her. “I wasn’t her type.”

* * *

Hunsacker rested his hands on his bulging stomach as he sat next to Jonah and across from Francesca in the conference room they’d used before. He hadn’t spoken yet, merely nodded when they filed into the sheriff’s station. But something was up. Francesca could feel it. Instead of being angry, as she’d assumed, he seemed pleased with himself. Far too pleased.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“You’ll see when Finch gets here,” he replied.

Clasping his hands loosely in his lap, Jonah leaned back and studied Hunsacker from beneath half-closed eyelids.

“What’s with you?” Hunsacker asked, bristling beneath Jonah’s unyielding scrutiny. “What’s with you?” Jonah replied.

Hunsacker stretched his collar as if Jonah made him nervous. Jonah would make anyone nervous with the hard-ass expression he was wearing. He could tell something was up, too.

The door opened, and Finch walked in, carrying a file. He dropped it on the conference table, but didn’t sit down. “How’s the arm?” he asked, nodding toward the big white bandage covering her stitches.

Knowing he wasn’t truly concerned, only trying for a decent start to what would likely be a less than pleasant meeting, she shrugged. “It’ll heal.”

“Could’ve been a lot worse. You’re aware of that, right?”

She braced for his full reaction. “Nice segue.”

“Dog like that could’ve torn out your jugular,” he went on. “Then where would you be?”

“With a severed jugular, I’m quite certain I’d be dead.” Careful not to put pressure on her stitches, she leaned on the table. “That means we should be able to charge Mr. Vaughn with attempted murder.”

“You think so? When you were warned, by us and by the Beware of Dog signs, to keep your distance yet returned to his property, anyway?” He folded his arms. “Tell me. If you’re so scared of Mr. Vaughn, why did you go back?”

“Because I’m determined to stop him before he kills anyone else. And I want to be able to quit looking over my shoulder.”