She looked up at him. Her eyes’ color changed with the weather, with her mood, with the lighting. Now, they were a warm brown.

“My father…he’s been sad now for a long time. He’ll be okay, I think.”

“I’m sorry for how I behaved,” he said. This was the second time she came for him. He’d said I love you, but it was she who put in the work. He truly didn’t deserve her.

“No, you shouldn’t apologize. I was wrong, and you were right. The truth should always come to light. I shouldn’t have asked you to stall. I’m sorry that I made you act against your beliefs.” Dafna bit her lower lip.

His heart expanded when he looked at her sweet mouth, her heart-shaped face. He loved her, and he wouldn’t let things like her work or his over-inflated sense of righteousness stand between them anymore.

“No, I get it. I do. You were thinking of your friend.”

Eitan had already washed the sea water off himself and now joined them.

“Hi Dafna,” he said. “My condolences.”

“Thank you.”

“Cool tat!” his tactless brother commented.

Dafna smiled a little. Erez fished out the thermos of strong sweet black tea they favored after riding waves and poured the tea around. Eitan distributed the petit beurre, and the three of them dipped the rectangular shortbread cookies in their cups and munched. A little color stole into Dafna’s cheeks.

“I’m suspended. As of yesterday,” she said, her voice lifeless. His gut tightened in disbelief.

“What? From Kisharti? How come?”

“Nurit too.” Her voice broke. She blinked fast, but she didn’t cry. She took a few deep breaths. He squeezed her arm in sympathy and wished he could hug her. But he was still dripping seawater.

“Menni accused Nurit of cooking the books, lying to the other two founders, claiming it was all her idea, and he didn’t know about it. He told Gil and Daniel that she had a change of heart and came and confessed, asking for forgiveness. And they believed him.”

“Why didn’t you two go to Gil and Daniel before Menni got to them?”

“Daniel was overseas. Plus, Nurit didn’t want to. She said we were better off surprising Menni at the management meeting. And I agreed with her. I even asked Motti, the investor, to be there too. He was very relaxed about the entire business. He said that was okay. It did not deter him from the investment.”

“Is Motti the man that accompanied your boss when I was with you?” Eitan asked.

“Yes. Motti was the older looking guy.”

“Shifty body language. As an actor, I pay attention to these things.”

“You’re so full of it,” he told his brother.

Dafna dipped another cookie, munched it, and regarded Eitan.

“Eitan has a point. Motti’s behavior yesterday was odd, and it made me suspicious. He was so cool about everything, and not at all surprised.”

Her lush mouth pursed in concentration. He longed to kiss her.

“Think about it,” Dafna continued. “He has a very strong incentive to look the other way. He had already invested with us, but when the investors would put their new money in, it would be like an exit for him. I think he was in on it from the beginning–he seemed very composed. Unnaturally so. Also, if he’s in on it, they can leave Nurit’s numbers as is, who would know? He’ll even write a small profit when he’ll bring in his friends at a higher price–since the numbers are better than when he invested.”

It made perfect sense. Beautiful and smart.

“Just kiss her already,” Eitan said. Dafna smiled a little and arched her brows. He held the back of her head, careful not to get her wet. His mouth met her soft lips, her tongue flickered, touching his, making fire rush up his veins.

“I love you,” he said. “Don’t! I mean, don’t say it back to me. Your mother just died. Tell me when you’re ready.”

“I feel new things when I’m with you.” Her breathtaking eyes met his squarely. “I try new things when I’m with you.” She smiled, and his heart almost leaped out of his chest. “I love being with you. It will come.”

“I know.” He grinned back at her.