He was excited. He’d done his homework, and blindfolding was a large part of the dominance/submission culture. He had the experience he wanted to give her in mind. He wouldn’t make the same mistakes her husband made.

He wouldn’t let her go.

Chapter 29

Cold Ice And Hot Tea

Once she made the phone calls, he was a changed man.

It was evidently very important to Erez that she’d trust his judgment. He came here this evening to tell her about his suspicions and to test her. He was visibly nervous that she wouldn’t go along with him, but at the same time, totally immovable. She knew that if she didn’t help him, he would walk away from her–and still investigate the matter. She was relieved to learn, after two phone calls, that all was well, and very glad that she had made them. It quieted her own fears.

“Do you want to spend the night?” she asked, hoping he would have some sort of arrangement for Gal, who banished her father for the evening, but presumably not the entire night.

He nodded so enthusiastically that she laughed. “Yes, please! I’ll just let Gal know and tell Eitan to keep an eye on her.”

“Will it be an issue?” Gal was less than welcoming on the beach.

His mouth thinned. “She wanted me out of the house. She is getting it.”

It was an issue. Gal’s objections, despite her father’s reluctance to admit it, mattered to Erez. He texted, his long black lashes casting down a shadow. He used just one large palm to both hold the phone and text, just like when she saw him the first time, when he read.

“Go upstairs, please. I’ll be right there. I need to go get my overnight bag from the car. Also,” a mischievous glint sparked in his eyes, “I’m feeling a little thirsty.”

She mounted the stairs, hearing the water bar gurgling, got rid of her flipflops, and sat on her bed to wait, folding her hands in her lap. Her heart picked up its pace. She was going to be blindfolded, and he was going to do things to her. A thrill of anticipation ran along her spine, and she welcomed it, because she wasn’t scared–she was excited. They would experiment and take their time to learn about each other. They had the whole night to do just that.

He joined her, carrying two cups. One filled with ice cubes, and one emitting chamomile steam. He laid them on Ilan’s nightstand and then took off his sneakers and his socks.

“Would you like to know beforehand what I’ll do to you when you’re blindfolded, or do you want to be surprised?” Erez asked, sipping the tea.

She took her time answering him, weighing the implications of his question. Ilan wanted to blindfold her, and she denied him because she didn’t want to give him control, but there was more to it than that. It had to do with her, too. She didn’t like to give up control.

“I want you to tell me what you’re going to do.”

“Okay. Please give me something that I can use to blindfold you and you feel comfortable with.”

Dafna went to her bathroom, where she kept odds and ends from overseas trips. She handed Erez a sleep mask she had kept from an overseas flight kit.

“Perfect, please sit.”

She sat at the foot of her bed. He took off his T-shirt, and hung it on the clothes valet. The taut muscles strained and rippled under the tanned skin. He had a pronounced triangle, the breadth of his chest tapering into a lean waist. The jeans sat low on his hips. She licked her lips and met the green stare, motioning with her head towards his pants.

“Lose the pants?” Laughter danced in his eyes when she nodded vigorously.

He unclasped his black leather belt, then unbuttoned the jeans and drew down the zipper slowly. His erection stretched his white boxer shorts. He got out of his pants, hanging them neatly under his shirt.

“You’re going to strip naked,” he said, coming back to stand in front of her. He bent and kissed her shoulder, getting nearer and nearer to her neck. His mouth was a warm sucking pleasure she wanted on her nipples and center. “Then you’ll wear this not so sexy sleep mask.” She giggled. He took the tension out of this encounter, just as he did the first time they were together. She wanted to please him, and for this to be not just about her needs. She could let herself give up control.

“Is it better for you if you don’t tell me in advance what you’re going to do?”

“Yes.” His eyes heated. “I prefer to surprise you. I’m not going to tie you up or anything, so it’s totally up to you if you want to stay blindfolded. You could take it off at any time.”

She chose this, she reminded herself. She could stand on a paddleboard for the first time and keep her balance, because he was there beside her, supportive and nonjudgmental. Being blind was another way of trust. To hide her nerves, she took decisive action, standing and stepping out of her dress. His eyes roamed her body. She unclasped her bra, enjoying his hum of appreciation.

“Underwear,” he said, his voice deliciously hoarse, and she obeyed, wriggling down her underwear. His large palms caught her face, and he kissed her, devouring her hungrily, and under his pressure they lowered gently onto the bed, his arms supporting her. He crawled forward until her waist was between his legs, his underwear-clad erection looming above her naked stomach.

He reached for the mask, which he’d left on Ilan’s nightstand. No, it wasn’t Ilan’s, it was the left nightstand.

“Hey. You’re good?”