His Dream Job

Rammy’s chubby fingers drummed on his knees. The warm, chocolate brown eyes regarded Erez.

“I don’t like the new team leader,” he complained, not for the first time.

“You’ve known that I’m leaving for weeks. You’ll get used to him.”

“I don’t want to.” The old man pouted his lips theatrically, and Erez grinned.

“Rammy, what are you doing here? Besides giving me a hard time.”

“Oh, right!” Rammy produced his phone and sent him a beautiful photo of two smiling men wearing white, hugging each other’s shoulders. The text underneath the photo said: Save the Date. It was for next summer, more than six months away.

“Your son is getting married!”

The two young men contributed so much when they were needed in Kisharti’s offices. Dan, the dancer, brought his friends. Baruch, his boyfriend, the pianist, was so supportive and patient with Gal. This was one wedding he planned to attend.

“Is it going to be as big as your daughter’s wedding?”

Rammy’s daughter’s wedding was an opulent affair with 800 guests.

“Well…Dan doesn’t want a wedding that large. And it won’t be good for business, I don’t think.”

The gruff man had enough grit to stand up to all the haters and against his own upbringing, which condemned gay people as the scum of the earth who needed conversion treatment or outright banishing. But he was a pragmatist, and he wasn’t a fool.

“I’ll come,” he promised.

“Can your daughter…can she…Dan asked me to ask you, but…”

“Spill it, Rammy.”

“Can she sing for Dan and Baruch? They want her to, you know, to sing when they walk down the aisle. But they’re afraid it’s too much to ask. She was so nervous when they all performed together. They don’t want to cause her any stress.”

Erez was in two minds. He didn’t want Gal to agree out of a sense of gratitude. He’d confer with Dafna. She’d know what to do. How luxurious–to have a partner he could confer with.

“I’ll check with her and get back to you.”

Rammy nodded in agreement, and he expected him to rise and go now that he had delivered all his messages. But the rough contractor stayed seated. His bushy eyebrows pulled in.


“I heard you were up for a great job,” he said. The extent of the grapevine astounded Erez. They had only offered him the position yesterday.

“You heard right. G&L wanted to keep me here, so they offered me this opportunity.” He tried to instill excitement in his voice. He should have been much more enthusiastic about this. This was all he’d ever wanted. He thought he had lost it and then–they handed it to him on a silver platter. And the paycheck was hefty. He was stoked that they wanted him. But his disenchantment with Yogev and G&L had extended to the consultancy.

“Listen,” Rammy said, “I was thinking about investing in this startup. I came to you today before I heard of your promotion. I was hoping to offer you a small consulting job.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Real estate is all good and well, but I want to diversify. I’m approached all the time by startups. You know how it is, this and that cousin who started something, this guy’s son I served with. Small country.”

“Okay,” he said cautiously. “Diversifying. Smart.”

“So, I thought since you were leaving G&L, I could hire you to do due diligence for me. Also, maybe for some other people I know. But now that you’re going to that big job, you’ll probably won’t want to…”

The old man wasn’t as wily as he thought he was. Perhaps he wasn’t trying to be wily. But he wasn’t being direct enough for Erez.

“Speak clearly, Rammy.”