“Hey gorgeous. We’ll be late if we don’t leave soon.”

“It’s a startup here. You can take off the tie,” Gil said.

“Yes, I can,” he said, his arm still around her. “Dafna…?” She used both hands to loosen his tie.

“Let’s go.” He neatly turned her around.

“Bye, Erez,” Zoey called. He waved his free arm and then grinned down at Dafna as they walked to the elevator. It arrived empty and Erez trapped her against the wall.

“I like it when you’re jealous.” His green eyes shone devilishly at her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He laughed out loud.

“It’s a pity Kisharti is on the third floor. I would have gone down on you,” he said.

“I almost believe you.”

He used the short time to kiss her breathless.

It was her car, but he drove it, and they were both silent as he navigated his way through the heavy traffic going north.

“So…how are your last days at work?” She was thrilled that he was going to take it easy.

Erez was due to leave G&L in the first week of December, two weeks from now. This was what he’d always wanted, he told her. To write, to surf, to have more time with Gal. He started writing his nonfiction book, tapping the computer at odd hours, analyzing cases of subscription-based startups, like the American Frank and the Israeli Joonko. He framed it into his personal story of Kisharti and even wrote about their romance. She didn’t mind. He let her read chapters when he was done, and she thought the book was going to be excellent and told him so.

“Eh…I’m not sure I’m leaving G&L,” Erez said. His voice was neutral, but when he glanced at her, he looked excited.

She knew it. His stupid pride. He kept saying that he didn’t want to be “a kept man.”

“Erez, I’m telling you–I believe in your book. I think it’s great. It’s an investment for me. You sit and spew it out and I’ll get a percentage, how about that? Then you won’t feel that ‘I’m keeping you.’” She air quoted him.

“It’s not that,” he said.

“Then what is it?”

“G&L offered me the job.”

“What job?”

“The dream job. The one I wanted all along.” Erez grinned at her in triumph.

“How come?”

“Your friend Avigail put in a good word. Turns out the head of Tractus consultancy, an old acquaintance, thinks the world of her, and Avigail told her I was the right man for the job.”

“Good for Avigail!” Avigail said nothing, perhaps not wishing Dafna to give Erez false hopes.

“She gave me a day to think about it,” Erez added, still grinning. He hummed the song that was playing on the radio, his mood jubilant. It was understandable that he was vindicated, reassured of his professional worth. But the book writing and taking it easy was right for him, just like taking it hard was right for her. But she wouldn’t show him her concerns.

“Didn’t you accept immediately?”

“I never accept any offer immediately–except beautiful women for a one-night stand.” He reached over and grabbed her hand.

She looked through the window. It was what he thought he wanted. There was nothing she could say to change his mind, so she didn’t try.

Chapter 46