“I asked Erez to sit on it, but he’ll want to report.”

“If we get the money from the investors, then all will be well. That’s why I agreed to do it. Because we have a great product–but it’s complicated and the clients don’t use it correctly. We can upscale easily, but we’re lacking some extra marketing and costumer success, which we’ll get with the investment. It will rocket us forward.”

Nurit may have believed in Kisharti’s product, but she agreed to help Menni because she got a CFO position and options in return. There was nothing to be gained from pointing it out, so she held her tongue.

“We need to talk to Menni and convince him to come clean to Motti and his group and give them the full picture. They may still want to invest,” Nurit said. “Menni returns right after Yom Kippur. It’s less than two weeks from now. Please ask Erez to wait. We’ll talk to Menni. If he won’t budge, then tell Erez to blow the whistle. How about that?”

“We should talk to Daniel,” Dafna said.

“No!” Nurit shook her head. “He’d alert Menni. And Gil would too. They’ll close ranks. We need to surprise Menni. Besides, Daniel leaves on Sunday too. They both took advantage of the fact that there are hardly any business days between now and Yom Kippur.”

Erez would hate the additional wait. Asking him to do it would ruin whatever was left of their relationship. Yet, he was so distant and cool, and walked out on her last night, which truly angered her. She checked her watch. He lived a five-minute walk from here and would be coming back from paddleboarding right about now.

Erez, can I come over? We need to talk, she texted.

Chapter 37

I Love You

There were dark circles under her eyes. The shirt and pants didn’t fit her well. Yet she was still achingly beautiful. And she was asking him to betray his principles.

Leaning against the marble top, he folded his arms. He drove here from the boutique hotel, had trouble falling asleep, then failed to wake up on time for surfing.

“You’re asking for more time,” he stated.

“Yes. The whole scam was Menni’s idea, not Nurit’s. I think we can try to convince Menni to come clean to the investors, but he’s abroad right now. It’s just a couple more weeks. You said you need to wrap it up before the high holidays end. It’s before that. Afterwards, if Kisharti doesn’t come clean on their own, you do what you have to do.”

He was angry and disappointed and against all good sense and odds, horny as fuck.

“I have to try,” she pleaded. “Kisharti is too good to fail just because it has a stupid CEO.”

“The ‘stupid’ CEO will stay and continue to do ‘stupid’ stuff,” he said, air quoting stupid. “And this isn’t stupid. It’s dishonest.”

She folded her arms and spread her feet a little, striking her own power pose. He hardened his heart at how adorable he found it.

“Stuff happens all the time. Books get corrected. I just read in the newspapers that the second largest retailer in Israel retroactively corrected its financial reports. He cut the 2nd quarter profit by 65%—and this is a listed company, with institutional investors, and it is a G&L’s client!” She warmed to her subject, the gray-brown eyes alight with indignation.

He winced. G&L’s professionalism and conduct shamed him. She had him there.

His firm should have checked the sales numbers and done an independent inventory count. G&L carried on, as if correcting a publicly traded company’s financial statements was business as usual. They didn’t even release an internal statement to announce they would study the case and draw conclusions.

She took a step closer. He drank her in, the lush chestnut hair that he constantly wanted to sift his fingers through, the slender neck he longed to nip and suck, the round hips he was dying to squeeze.

“Besides,” she continued, “it’s my understanding that most startups do that–pretty-up their ARRs. It’s common practice. Everyone does it.”

He was sick and tired of “everyone does it”.

“Well, everyone can do it, but not on my watch,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Can you wait till after Yom Kippur? With Kisharti?” Dafna asked. “Just until Menni comes back. Please, it’s important to me.”

He wished she didn’t ask him to wait. It widened the wedge between them. But when he asked her to help, she did, even if she didn’t really expect Kisharti to be corrupt. She made calls and sent emails.

“I will.”

“Thank you.” Her voice was colorless. “I know it’s difficult for you.”

She was so close that her breasts caressed his chest. Her quickening breaths mirrored his, and her nipples puckered under her thin T-shirt, just like his fattening cock stretched his house shorts. Her head tilted backwards, her juicy lips parted in invitation. He groaned, stopped warring with himself, and bent, meeting her soft lips, getting lost in the kiss. He glued two palms on her ass and kneaded it, feeling the orbs shape underneath his fingers, her pliable core give way to his hard cock. His lips travelled down the open neckline, her skin scorching hot. Lifting his head, he carefully pulled her shirt to the side, revealing wounded flesh. It was red and angry around the fresh tattoo.