“Abba! Look!”

His head turned towards the sea. His daughter was in the water, on her knees, rowing. A wide grin split his face, lighting it.

“Gal! You’re amazing!”

He lifted Dafna’s paddleboard and moved towards the water. Dafna hurriedly put on her T-shirt, adjusted her hat, and joined the brothers who were watching Gal from the shallows.

“I’m standing up!” she announced and jumped up, immediately tumbling into the water, sending Dafna’s heart into overdrive.

“Go in, help her, quick!” she cried. Erez tensed next to her, but his brother held him back.

“She’s fine,” Eitan said. “Don’t coddle her.”

Both brothers stood, broad shoulder to broad shoulder, and waited for Gal to resurface.

“I’m giving her two seconds and going in,” Erez said.

It seemed to Dafna like ages before Gal’s dark head emerged next to her board. She was laughing and spitting water. Erez exhaled.

“I can’t believe you didn’t run in to save me!” she accused her father and uncle. She climbed back on her board in a fluid move.

“I was on my way,” Eitan called.

“Let’s go, your turn,” Erez told her. They waded in, the sea warm and still, enveloping her in a weightless embrace. When the water reached his waist, and her chest, Erez stopped and positioned the board behind her.

“I’ll help you climb up.” His palms clutched her waist and pulled her out of the water, settling her on the board, facing him, feet dangling in the water. He steadied the board, his arms on either side of her.

“Perfect weather.” He smiled, tall enough to look her in the eye, sitting as she was. Then one muscular arm pinned the slightly moving board, and the other was cradling her head, giving her a light kiss. Salty from sea water, minty from his breath. She moaned, and he deepened the kiss, angling their heads, his tongue meeting hers.

This evening he would be back at her house, and they would surely have sex. It happened before. But this time it would be different. He changed the rules of the game when he openly kissed her before his immediate family, his brother and daughter, declaring this was a ‘thing’. She did the same yesterday, telling him what she had never told anyone about Ilan and the main reason her marriage fell apart. They both took major steps towards each other, and she was fine with it. Better than fine. They just needed to keep this under wraps in Kisharti until his due diligence was finally over.

They broke apart, Erez’s forehead on hers.

Gal had rowed away from them into deeper water.

“Gal, that’s enough. Turn north,” her uncle called from the shore.

“Okay, Dafna,” Erez said. “Climb onto your knees. Slowly and carefully.”

Obeying, she grabbed both sides of the board and folded her legs beneath her, afraid to fall. She remained on her knees, seeking balance on the wet and slippery surface. Erez held the board steady, not letting it move with the waves, or wobble beneath her.


She nodded and rose a little from her curled position.

“Here is the paddle. Stay on your knees but try to hold it.”

She grasped for the paddle, lost her balance, and rolled straight into the warm water on the other side of Erez. Her butt hit the sandy seabed, and she stood up, spluttering water.

“I’ve got you.”

He dove under the board and was next to her in no time, holding her close. They were flush against each other, his hard torso crushing her breasts.

“Again.” She didn’t let the moment linger.

He hoisted her onto the board again. She paddled with her palms, seated on her knees, towards the open horizon, getting the feel of the water and the board beneath her.

“How about we go this way?” Erez turned the nose of the board towards Herzliya, just like Gal did before, keeping them parallel to the shore.