“Yelena?” Danny asked and smiled at her. Yelena wouldn’t meet Tamar’s eyes.
“It’s...I don’t. It’s nothing. The patterns mean nothing.”
Danny smiled at Yelena fully, and she looked up at him with frightened eyes.
“Yelena told me everything. She showed me the spreadsheets she prepared for you,” Danny told Tamar. “She is loyal to Peaks.”
“True.” Keynan nodded importantly. “You did right, Yelena. We have two men, two good men, who are very important to Peaks, and an unsupported accusation. Tamar, as of now, I’m suspending you for asking the brokerage to move shares for you so you could win the bonus. Gideon, did you know about your father’s CFO’s doings?”
“No. I didn’t,” he answered again.
“Well, even so, it’s very problematic. Danny will probably want to involve the ISA, and...”
Gideon felt sick. Having the ISA look into Berdiplast would kill them. Was Tamar aware of what was going on? Why didn’t she tell him?
“Yehuda, I think inviting the ISA to open an investigation is unnecessary,” Danny intervened smoothly. “It will do harm to Peaks’ name, hurt business. If Gideon says he wasn’t involved, I believe him.”
“I don’t need favors, Danny,” Gideon said. He’d never hated anyone as much as he hated Danny Golan.
“You know, I was going to say nothing about your CFO’s request. If your girlfriend hadn’t opened her big trap.” Danny smiled cruelly.
“I think it best that you’re suspended as well, Gideon,” Keynan said, “just until we finish doing our own checkups.”
Nathanela said, “Yehuda, I really think that this is serious enough to involve the ISA.”
“I’m sorry, Nathanela, but you leave Peaks next month, you have no say in this,” Keynan answered.
Nathanela turned white and stared at Keynan as if she’d never seen him.
“No need to suspend me,” Gideon said. “As I already told you, I quit.”
He turned and left.
“Wait, Gideon...” Tamar called and ran after him.
“Wait, Gideon...” Nir’s voice mimicked Tamar. Danny’s booming laugh followed a second after.
Tamar caught up to him near the elevators. She was pale, her dark eyes round and frightened.
“Did you know about this? About Berdiplast?” He turned to her so abruptly she flinched.
“I had suspicions, yes, but...” Her fingers pinched her pants along the ironed crease. She stopped when she noticed his stare.
“You never thought to talk to me?”
“No, Gideon, I was going to! Today.”
The elevator arrived. They entered together, and he pressed Lobby at the same time Tamar pressed 21.
“But you went to N first. Why didn’t you come to me first?” There was a wail building up in him, a tormented tantrum he kept at bay.
“You weren’t in! You didn’t even sleep in your bed!”
“You knew I was at my parents’!”
The elevator stopped at the 21st floor, but Tamar didn’t get out.
“Gideon, please...I was going to...today! Where are you going?”