“Do you know what a brokerage does? How we make our money?”
“Explain,” Tamar asked.
Danny sat down in front of her with his milked Nescafe.
“Commissions. We live on commissions. Outside the banks’ dealing rooms, we are the largest brokerage in Israel. We have desks for Israeli securities, equity and bonds, FX, foreign securities, and commodities. Every transaction means a commission. I’m the head of the Israeli equity desk and I trade for my clients, buy and sell Israeli shares for them.”
“It’s a good thing we’re the largest investment house in Israel. You could work with our provident funds, our mutual funds. They probably come to you first when they need a bulk trade.”
“They can’t. Stupid Israeli rules. We are banned from doing trades for our own house funds. So, all my clients are external, outside of Peaks. They could choose to work with anyone, so I have to lure them to work with me. Your research department’s sell-side share valuations are my added value. That’s why they’re so important.”
“Sell-side sends you everything. They hold meetings to coach you on the names. I sometimes lecture in them. What’s the problem?” Tamar asked.
Danny slurped his coffee and met her eyes above the rim.
“Okay, Feynman, hear this. It’s all good when I get it from you guys, the target prices, but then, the market moves, I get a bunch of new names. I constantly need to sort it and it all gets jumbled.”
Tamar thought of the way she managed her virtual portfolio, the way she tracked market moves.
“What if... we, in research, do the sorting for you every morning. You get the ten most interesting companies, our Strong Buy recommendations. Plus, the ones we think are too expensive, you can recommend your clients to sell them.”
She stared into the calculating blue eyes. He kept his face sealed. Closed mouth, a hard stare. Tamar reminded herself of Rule Number Six, a big one. ‘Don’t stop yourself from asking, or talking, because you’re afraid to come off silly.’ She plowed on. Her five minutes were still running, and she had nothing to lose.
“And every morning we’ll give you five facts on the top five Strong Buys.” His eyelids narrowed. He was interested.
“I’ll get an IT person so it’s not on Excel sheets, and it’s integrated into your system. Pops up when you enter your screens.” She took a gamble and faked it, hoping she could somehow make it. She had no idea if what she offered was workable.
“Yeah...” Danny was musing. “Good idea.”
“See? This is just from five minutes talking,” Tamar said.
“You’re smart, Tamar. I like you.” He brushed back his lush hair. His full, sensuous lips stretched in a wide, engaging smile. His cell rang, and he frowned.
“I’m in a meeting. Call me on my landline.”
“I don’t want to keep you.” Tamar was grateful for the interruption. “Why landline?” she asked.
“It’s recorded. All clients’ orders are recorded. Covers both our asses, the client’s and mine,” Danny answered impatiently.
Nir, Danny’s teammate, barged into the room.
“Danny, Israweed’s CFO is looking for you. It’s urgent.”
Danny looked at her, alarmed. It was weird that he was worried about her reaction to legal grass. The company was listed, after all.
“Right. I need to go. Good idea, Tamar, come up with an IT man and I’ll push it from my side. Keep leading the competition, I have a bet on you.”
He laughed when he saw her scandalized expression.
“Just kidding, Feynman. Bye.”
He banged the meeting room door on his way out.
Marina better come through with forming the T-team, and get her an IT woman, as early as this coming Sunday.
“Phew,” Tamar said, for the second time that day.