“We’ll get arrested for blanketing the bitch,” Noga said. Tamar giggled. The prospect was enticing.
“Huh?” Marina asked.
“It’s army hazing,” Tamar explained. “You cover an annoying person in a blanket and everyone kicks him, but he can’t see who did it to him, so he can’t rat.”
Marina looked excited.
“I never did it,” Tamar added.
“Well, let’s meet Yelena,” Marina said. “I have an old blanket for her.”
Extraordinary General Meeting
(32 days to end of year)
46. Gideon
Gideon wondered what was keeping his grandmother from the emergency shareholders' meeting he had asked her to summon. He closed his tired eyes, and Tamar’s pale, shocked face rose in front of him.
It was Monday morning, not even twenty-four hours since he quit Peaks. She had texted him she was sorry. Called him. He couldn’t bring himself to answer her. The red-hot rage of betrayal was still simmering bright and scorching in his chest. She had known a vital piece of information about his family’s firm and kept it from him. She didn’t trust him with it. That was inexcusable.
He had been busy to the point of distraction these past twenty-four hours. After quitting Peaks, he ran home, picked up Shemesh, and drove to his parents’. They were both still asleep and Gideon decided not to wake them, especially not his father.
He then drove to the factory, looking for Young Doron. Berdiplast’s CFO didn’t show up for work. Gideon wondered whether he somehow got the heads up from Danny and fled the country.
But Berdiplast had gotten no call from ISA about share price fixing. Gideon kept it to himself. They had enough trouble as it was, and the alleged culprit was missing.
He tackled Dina from accounting, told her he was back at Berdiplast, and that his father approved. When Old Doron arrived, he told him he was coming back as his replacement, and finally received the delighted reaction he’d been hoping for. He met all three shifts, made the rounds. The word spread. Gideon had rather liked this tactic of “do what you want and apologize for it later.” It had a whiff of Savta Paulina about it. By the time his father had arrived this morning, it was a done deal. People were openly happy Gideon was back, and everyone congratulated Yehoshua.
Gideon got the passwords for Young Doron’s computer from Miriam. He couldn’t find any trace of any shady dealings with Danny, but Young Doron hadn’t been playing with shares. He’d been betting Berdiplast’s monies on currencies. Gideon had spent most of last evening checking the deals. At eleven pm he rang his grandmother and told her they needed to summon an EGM, an Extraordinary General Meeting.
The meeting started, but without Paulina, Yehoshua as the CEO presided. Old Doron, the COO, was there and Miriam, the company’s attorney. Dina sat in lieu of Young Doron.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Savta Paulina?” he asked his father. “She was the one who called this meeting.”
“No, she should have arrived on time,” a gray faced Yehoshua answered.