I’m at Keynan’s. She texted Gideon.
Sonya was inside Keynan’s office. Tamar halted in front of the empty desk, but N didn’t wait for Sonya to re-appear. She continued onwards, and Tamar followed. For the second time in as many months, Tamar entered the holy of holies, wishing she was anywhere else. It was as dreary and dark as she remembered, the heavy drapes closed against the bright winter sun. Tamar never had claustrophobia, but Keynan’s office was oppressing her into breathlessness.
“Sonya, please leave,” Nathanela ordered. Sonya hesitated, but at a nod from Keynan, she obeyed N.
“Tamar, close the door.”
Tamar closed the door and briefly closed her eyes, taking breaths to calm herself.
“Why is she here, Nathanela? I wanted to talk to you privately about this,” Keynan said.
Nathanela didn’t waste time.
“Tamar came to me this morning with something important about the brokerage,” she said.
“What is it?”
Nathanela launched into her explanation.
“Is it your finding?” Keynan asked Tamar, who stood silent by N. Tamar nodded.
“And you think Danny Golan is the ringleader? Interesting. Who else?”
Keynan wasn’t alarmed or enraged. If anything, he looked almost amused. Shit, shit, shit. Her heartbeat knocked in her veins.
“Nir... a guy who works with him at his desk,” Tamar said in a low voice. “But I’m not sure about it.”
“Anyone else? Another desk maybe?” His brows climbed mockingly.
Tamar shook her head.
“We didn’t look at other desks. Our project dealt only with Israeli shares.”
“So...it’s you Tamar who suspected this, not Nathanela? Did you share this with Shay?”
Nathanela answered.
“I don’t want to bother Shay with this. With his ill wife, he has too much on his mind as it is. He has been absent a lot as well. Since you didn’t appoint a replacement for him, I’m talking to you.”
“There is no proof,” Keynan said.
“No. But I think we need to contact the ISA,” Nathanela said with finality.
“Easy for you to say, you’re leaving and I’ll have to deal with this mess. This will look very bad for Peaks—ISA interrogating our brokers. It will frighten away clients.”
“Clients will be more frightened when they know we allow shenanigans in our brokerage,” N said.
“Au contraire, they’ll probably sign faster.” Keynan laughed. “Just kidding,” he added. “If she’s here, I want my source to be here as well.”
“Source?” Tamar asked.
“Wait here.”
He stepped out, looking almost genial, and spoke briefly to Sonya. Tamar wondered if he appreciated the amount of trouble they were in. Either he was really dumb or he knew something she didn’t.
“Are we waiting for someone?” N asked.
“Yes, I asked some people to join us.”