“I am of the opinion that you know how to clean after yourself in the toilet.”

Gideon smiled. She was back.

“I feel bad about not texting you, before...” she mumbled into his neck.

“I’m good. It’s a five-minute walk. I have a coat. Do you really want me to stay?”


“I’m quitting Peaks,” he blurted. “I love you and I want us to be together.”

Tamar twisted in his arms and stared at him.

“Is it because you’re jealous? Because Danny is a lunatic prick?”

“No! I decided to do it in Eilat. You’re right. You deserve this position more than I do. You’ve been at Peaks longer, and you have much more experience as an analyst. And my family needs me. We’ll tell Nathanela I quit Peaks and that we’re together first thing next week. I’m going back to Berdiplast. I’ll stop running away from my duties as a Berdichevsky.”

He didn’t wait for her to say she loved him too. It would come. She snuggled back into his arms. They sat in silence, just breathing together.

“Gideon...” her voice was sleepy.


“I asked you to stay because I was afraid that in a week’s time we won’t be together, and I’ll miss you and I’ll be sorry I never spent the night with you.”

He hugged her closer, and listened to her breaths grow longer and deeper.

After a while, he whispered, "I love you." But she was already asleep. Gently, he scooped her up and carried her bridal-style to bed.

40th Anniversary

(34 days to end of year finish line, 8 days to new position)

42. Gideon

Gideon had helped set up this party, yet he still wasn’t prepared for the multitude of people that swarmed his parents’ lawn.