“You’re so tight, you’re going to feel so good,” His fingers moved inside her, “we’re beautiful together.” Their reflected eyes met.

“Yes.” She bit her lips, almost drawing blood in her attempt not to come. It was crazy holding it in.

“Yes.” Gideon breathed. “This is so hot.”

She rocked against him, her heavy ass hitting his pubic hair and flat underbelly, his hand between her legs. She could no longer contain anything, letting her orgasm hit her. She rode it, mouth open, wide eyes, a wild, uninhibited Tamar showing herself in the mirror.

“I can’t wait anymore. I need to be inside you.”

His need for her was empowering.

He took out his fingers and fisted his cock, his triceps bulging. He drenched the bulbous cockhead, moving back and forth against her slit. Then he finally inched his way in, filling her in a way she’d always craved, but didn’t realize it until now.

“Good?” He asked.

“Very good”, she answered huskily, making him grin. He started pumping her slowly. There was an apt sleaziness to the way her boobs were jumping in beat to his thrusts, her long hair dragging along his mattress. The best thing about it was that she didn’t care. His palms squeezed her behind, and he bit his lips.

“Lean and lay down,” Gideon ordered, and she hastened to obey.

She lay, his big warm body covering her, and she rested her cheek on his clean smelling sheets. At this angle, he was lodged even deeper. One of his arms was supporting his weight, and he sneaked his other arm under her, his palm reaching her clit.

“Are you still looking?”

“No,” he groaned. “I want to prolong this and if I look, I’m a goner.”

He kissed her nape, his fingers busy on her clit. Convulsions traveled from her pussy to her belly and back again, meeting his pumping cock. Another explosion was building, another wave of extasy. She let her body glide. She didn’t chase her orgasm, nor did she fight it, and this calm was glorious.

“Tamar, Tamar. I’m coming. This is so good, Tamari, Tamar.”

She loved hearing her name. Maybe he would love it too.

“Gideon,” she whispered to him.

That was when he roared his orgasm. When he heard his name. He continued thrusting into her, panting and groaning. His rough palm was deep between her legs, and he pressed it against her mound, zipping her into another climax. It seemed to prolong his, and they writhed together, moaning, like on her sofa, but this time it was their naked skins, touching everywhere.

Finally, he lay atop her, his warm weight pleasant.

“Ten thirty pm. I was quicker than you,” his deep voice murmured.

“Yet you brag.” His chuckle tickled her neck.

“Okay, I’m going now,” she said into his bedsheets. He rolled away to lie next to her, and she turned her head to him.

“Or you could stay. Giddy probably fell asleep,” he reasoned. She couldn’t read his expression.

She would have spent the night, had he been less understanding, less charming, less himself. Their deal was becoming less ‘dealy’ for her all the time. He said he liked her. She liked him too, but they weren’t a couple and never could be.

“Forget it, we shouldn’t. Come on, I’ll walk you home.” He got up and started dressing.

“So, tomorrow, my place?” she asked, conflicted as hell, but still wanting him.

“Tomorrow isn’t feasible,” he answered, his back to her.

“Sure, it’s not like we’re meeting every night,” she said stiffly. She dressed quickly, almost tearing the intricate buttons of her shirt. “I’ll be going now. It’s a five-minute walk. Please don’t bother.”

“I’m not letting you walk home alone,” Gideon said. “Leave Giddy be. He’s asleep.”

On the way to her apartment, Tamar was quiet. She hoped Gideon would fill the silence with light talk as he usually did. But he was quiet, too.