He hung it tidily on top of his. With one practiced snap, he unclasped her bra and removed it. Now they were both topless. His warm hands caressed her back, massaging her lightly. He spun her so she faced the mirror.
“Naha, Tamar. Your eyes are closed. Open them.”
Reluctantly, she did.
His large mirror was mounted on a small pedestal and angled, capturing both of them fully. Gideon towered behind her, his chin above her hair, his naked hairy chest framing her head and torso. Her large tits hid her ribs, but at least they were still above her skirt.
He cupped both in his palms, tanned against her pale skin. Her nipples were puckered from the room’s cold air, and Gideon’s warm thumbs were a welcome touch. He licked his right thumb and rolled it around her right tit, creating ripples of sensations. He did it to her other tit, sending jolts down her belly.
Tamar closed her eyes.
“Open your eyes.”
She met his shiny, aroused stare. His hands trailed along her waist, down to her skirt that was still hiding her small belly. Tamar had always wished for her sisters’ smaller breasts, but the way Gideon looked at her was ego boosting.
“I love your body,” he said.
“I’m okay with it. I just don’t like to look at it too much,” Tamar answered truthfully.
“I do,” Gideon said. “I’m taking my clothes off. You’re next.”
He made short work of getting out of his jeans and underwear. He was erect, and she finally saw his cock properly. The other evening, she was so overwhelmed by the orgasm he gave her, she’d hardly noticed anything. It was a nice-looking specimen. She would take Gideon’s word that it was medium sized, as she hadn’t much to compare to. She liked the thickness and proportions.
“This is a first for me,” Gideon said, “doing it in front of a mirror.
“Ditto,” she answered, and he laughed.
Once again, he was behind her, his body’s warmth welcome. When he kissed her nape, she stared. It looked so erotic. He sniffed deeply.
“Your smell....”
His large palms, large enough to make her waist seem narrower, made a slow trip from her armpit to her hips. He inserted his thumbs, clasping the waistbands of both her skirt and her underwear, and yanked them down. Tamar stood, awkward and unsure, as he bent all the way, until she couldn’t avoid it anymore and stepped out of her clothes. Gideon was gone, busy arranging her clothes tidily on the wooden hanger. For the first time in her life, she looked at herself naked. Her tummy rounded above the black triangle of her pubic hair, nowhere as flat as Tally’s bikini ready body. Her hips flared out, faint red lines from her underwear still showing. Gideon returned to stand behind her, laid his palms on her hips, and squeezed.
“Well? Still not a fan?”
“I can tell you are,” she said. His erection nudged at her back. He nibbled her shoulder, then sucked. She met his heated gaze in the mirror. His eyes had a golden shine to them. When he was intense, he looked like that.
“I’ve never watched myself with someone. I want to do it with you.”
His hands were everywhere, like he couldn’t stop. Weaving her hair, caressing her shoulders, trailing her back to trace her butt. Heat traveled where he touched and stayed afterwards, pooling between her legs. His beautiful fingers cruised, and she followed them, concentrating on one part of her body at a time. Covering her midriff, fanning on her hips, closing in but not touching her black-haired triangle. He liked what he saw, and she was getting used to it, starting to like herself through him.
He kept going back to her breasts, rolling his fingers on her hardened nipples.
“It’s your turn tonight,” her response was a whisper. She was turned on because he was so turned on. “The deal is we do anything you like.”
“I’m still asking.”
“Yes. Okay,” she meant it.
Gideon took her hand and led her until they were next to the bed, her knees nearly touching it. He positioned them so they could still catch their reflections.
“Kneel on the bed.” His voice dropped to that timbre where she couldn’t deny him anything. She knelt, her boobs giving in to gravity. Gideon, behind her, seemed mesmerized.
“Beautiful,” his cock was above her behind, pointing up. In the mirror, his hand disappeared between her legs. His wiry shoulders flexed as his fingers traced her slit. This was fiercely hot, seeing and feeling his hand at the same time.
“You like what you see, too.” He breathed out, smearing her arousal up and down her slit. His expression excited her, even more than his caresses. He inserted one or more of his fingers. She cried out at the suddenness, and shuddered when he fucked her with them, brushing her clit. She groaned and clenched around him. How could he do that to her so fast? They moved in sync, to the beat of his buried fingers, and she tried to hold in her orgasm. It was another first, trying not to come.
“Fuck,” she blurted, her climax just there, simmering, leaving her on edge.